Story of Unidentified Flying Objects- UFO Lands on Earth

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A streak of light is heading towards earth. It’s a UFO. In a fraction of time, it lands on a farm of a village. An eighteen-year-old boy is just passing by the road of the farm. Hence, Tom just stops & looks at the UFO with surprise & curiosity. At the moment, few aliens come out of the vehicle. Collects some soil & plants. But, finding that Tom is watching them, they slowly move towards him. However, Tom is a brave & courageous boy.

Alien-1: We are your well-wishers. Please don’t be afraid.

Alien-2: Friend, we kindly invite you to visit our planet. I assure you, we shall come back in a few days. You will be back to your home after the visit. If you wish, join us.

Tom is excited. Thus, he decides to go with them. He enters the UFO. Hence, Tom is now in the alien airship. No doubt, an airship with amazing technology.

Alian-1: This flying ship derives energy from the empty space, ether or ‘aether’ of the ancient Greeks. It’s a perpetual machine. We have the technology of space travel. Hence, travelling faster than light.

The boy is happy to have a great experience. In fact, it’s a dream for him. Moreover, all luxuries are available on the ship.

UFO lands on planet-X.

Few people with bouquet are standing at the gate. They are all tall & handsome. Of course, seems they are superhumans. No doubt, they welcome a human from the earth.

Super human-1: Our mission completes today. There are our neighbours. Humans on the exo-planet.

Super human-2: Welcome to our land, our planet. We are here to look after you.

It seems the people of the planet are great. Thus, all have helping attitudes. Moreover, they greet me eagerly. But, now I understand one thing. The aliens on the airship are intelligent robots. Robots for probing life on exoplanets.

Super human-3: Let’s take our guest to the palace.

It’s a luxurious palace. Just like heaven. Thus, Tom enjoys the luxury of a king. Meanwhile, they arrange a trip around the planet. Tom visits cities, great parks, rivers, mountains & so on. The superhumans have complete control over the climate. They have a world government. But, they have no weapons to fight with. Hence, the planet is full of positivity.

Super human-1: The real heaven is nearer to our planet. Therefore, the deities frequently visit our planet & take care of us.

Back to the Earth

The leader of the superhumans writes a letter to the earth government.

‘We are happy to find human life on a far planet. In fact, we intend to help you. Help you fight against all your problems. May be regarding technology or diseases. Moreover, we believe in brotherhood & fraternity’

Tom returns home. His stay was only for five days. But, its five years for the people on the earth. His parents, brothers & sister says he is returning after five years.

The boy delivers the letter to the president of his country.

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