• The Perpetual Machine- A Story of the Perpetual Revolution

    Dr. Arvind Patel stared at his latest creation with pride and frustration in his small laboratory. There were tears in his eyes. It was his...

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    Dr. Arvind Patel stared at his latest creation with pride and frustration in his small laboratory. There were tears in his eyes. It was his perpetual machine, designed to run endlessly without fuel. It was a marvel of engineering. However, the scientific community had dismissed his work. Their argument was,’ ‘that it violates the laws...
  • The Haunting of Nishapur – A Story of a Ghost

    In the quaint town of Nishapur, nestled between the whispering forests and the serene lake, there was a legend which- was famous for generations. It...

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    In the quaint town of Nishapur, nestled between the whispering forests and the serene lake, there was a legend which- was famous for generations. It was that on every ‘full moon’ night, the spirit of a young woman roamed the woods, searching for something—or someone—lost in time. Akash was a bright science student from the...
  • Story of a Remarkable Genius- Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday was born at Newington Butts-London (England) on September 22, 1791. His father was a blacksmith. The family was poor. He suffered from poverty...

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    Michael Faraday was born at Newington Butts-London (England) on September 22, 1791. His father was a blacksmith. The family was poor. He suffered from poverty and hardship during childhood. His school education was just so-so. He only learnt to read and write. He used to play marbles in the street with boys and took care...

    This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election...

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    This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election process is over. However, North Korea has the strongest democracy. An agency rates North Korea with 100 points. Likewise, China and Russia have a strong democratic set-up. The democracy index...
  • A Whisper From the Unknown World- A Short Story

    Suraj was a sincere medical student who occupied his days with textbooks, stethoscopes, and the promise of healing. But amidst the hospital routine, he found...

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    Suraj was a sincere medical student who occupied his days with textbooks, stethoscopes, and the promise of healing. But amidst the hospital routine, he found something more profound. It was love that transcended the boundaries of anatomy and diagnosis. Shalini, too, was a medical student who was in the same class. Shalini’s eyes were bright...
  • A Jungle Story-Mother’s Love

    There was a small village in India. Jungle and hills surrounded it. Families living there enjoyed the beauty and the peace of nature. The occupation...

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    There was a small village in India. Jungle and hills surrounded it. Families living there enjoyed the beauty and the peace of nature. The occupation of the people was farming. And kettles and looking after them. The cattle, such as cows, were their family members. They were a part of their lives. They understood the...
  • A Funny Story of a Kitchen Manager

    Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and...

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    Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and harvesters, and worked on the farm. They took care of his big farmhouse. In short, he was a landlord. He had a son. His name was Joy. Joy passed his...
  • The Invasion of the Aliens-A Short Story

    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It...

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    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It says, ‘Humans must approach the android clinic. They will cure disease- whether physical, psychological, mental, or emotional. Our android surgeon will look after diseases. We take the utmost care for...
  • The Paying Guest–A Short Story

    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the...

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    We are in Bombay. It’s the commercial capital of the country. Hence, Bombay is truly the city of dreams. People from every state of the country come here in search of jobs and wish to settle here. Therefore, they call it a city of dreams. Mr Sandeep and his wife were living in a villa...
  • Story of a Great Scientist-Archimedes

    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of...

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    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of literature, and there were poets and learned men in his court. The king vowed to offer a gold crown to the immortal god in the temple if he became the...
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