• Haunted Stories of the Mysterious Hoia Baciu Forest

    This is the twenty-first century. Scientists are trying to conquer the planets like Mars and Jupiter. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon....

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    This is the twenty-first century. Scientists are trying to conquer the planets like Mars and Jupiter. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon. Space scientists and astronauts are probing the galaxies. Currently, Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore are in the International Space Station for a specific mission. Despite tremendous progress in science, some...
  • A Journey in Search of Bio-Synthetic Fuel

    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant...

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    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant matter, such as twigs of plants, leaves, sprouts, seeds, bark, chips and even other parts of trees. One can use the waste material from wheat, maize and sugarcane plants. And...
  • Story of a Great Scientist-Archimedes

    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of...

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    Hiero became the king of Syracuse in the year 475 BC. Syracuse was a Greek city of ancient Sicily. The king was a lover of literature, and there were poets and learned men in his court. The king vowed to offer a gold crown to the immortal god in the temple if he became the...
  • World Leaders Unites to find Global Solution for Peace and Prosperity- Satire Story.

    The Indian police are after him. And the chief of the police orders to arrest him immediately. But somehow, he escapes and reaches London. Hence,...

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    The Indian police are after him. And the chief of the police orders to arrest him immediately. But somehow, he escapes and reaches London. Hence, the police pass the information to Interpol. And the international police are now trying to arrest him. Surely, you must be thinking of Bankrupt Mallya. But your imagination is wrong....
  • Weather Warfare-The Deadly Weapons of the Future

    Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei...

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    Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei & a tremendous amount of energy. This process occurs at very high temperatures. However, during this process, some mass gets converted into energy. Thus, the artificial sun, which depends on...
  • An Amazing Story of Uninvited Alien -Guests Visiting Planet Earth

    The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the...

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    The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the present 50th century. Of course, the search is still going on. But, people of the world at present are discussing strange incidents occurring around them. All social media platforms, news...
  • Story of fabricated Genetic Bio-Weapons to Win a Third World War

    ‘Our forces are ready, sir, equipped with all weapons of mass destruction, ‘Says the chief of the defense staff. ‘Surely, we will win the third...

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    ‘Our forces are ready, sir, equipped with all weapons of mass destruction, ‘Says the chief of the defense staff. ‘Surely, we will win the third World War & we will rule the world.’ It’s a high power committee meeting of various chiefs of departments with President Tengfei. A highly secret discussion with the President. The...
  • Scientist Prepare Oxygen on Mars –A Move to Shift Human Race to the New Planet

    A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even...

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    A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even though scientists successfully generate oxygen from this atmosphere. Second, they will study the microorganisms such as bacteria & viruses on that planet. And we hope people move to Mars in...
  • Inspiring Story of Great Scientist- Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical...

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    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical physics. The work on photoelectric effect & theory of relativity. He is very much famous among the student community. His research on relativity & the equation E = mc2 is...
  • Teleportation-Scientist Invent a Machine ‘Teleporter’ & Shift to the Planet TOI700d

    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is...

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    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is over. On this occasion, Kaku invites all the fellow scientist, relatives & friends to dinner. A grand celebration at his research laboratory. This day, Dr. Kaku is quite excited. It...
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