• Natural Way of Healing- Herbal versus Allopathic Medicines

    People around the world are facing different health problems. In fact, many allopathic medicines help for solving such problems. But, some have side effects which...

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    People around the world are facing different health problems. In fact, many allopathic medicines help for solving such problems. But, some have side effects which we cannot neglect. To avoid these side effects, people around the globe are leaning towards a natural way of healing. Thus, Natural healing incorporates the use of herbal medicines. Hence,...
  • Join Indian Army- Opportunities for Graduates with N.C.C. ‘C’ Certificate

    Have you completed your graduation with N.C.C. ‘C’ certificate? You should know that ample opportunities are waiting for you in the Armed Forces. In this...

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    Have you completed your graduation with N.C.C. ‘C’ certificate? You should know that ample opportunities are waiting for you in the Armed Forces. In this article, we shall discuss the benefits of National Cadet Corps Certificates in all three wings of the Army, Paramilitary forces & private companies in India. The facility of N.C.C. training...
  • Inspiring Story of Great Scientist- Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical...

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    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical physics. The work on photoelectric effect & theory of relativity. He is very much famous among the student community. His research on relativity & the equation E = mc2 is...
  • Amazing Science Experiments- Magic Tricks of Chemistry

    Chemistry is a science of substances. Different substances, when mixed, change into new compounds. The chemicals are so much beneficial in our life that chemistry...

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    Chemistry is a science of substances. Different substances, when mixed, change into new compounds. The chemicals are so much beneficial in our life that chemistry has become a part of our daily life. Thus, the toothpaste we use, fertilizers for agriculture, our medicines & drugs, plastics, the alloys of metals & dyes are all useful...
  • Probing the DNA- A Journey from Anti-Cancer Drugs to the CRISPR Scissors

    It is the year 1964. Rosenberg is a Bio-Physicist. He is in his laboratory trying to study the effect of the electric field on the...

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    It is the year 1964. Rosenberg is a Bio-Physicist. He is in his laboratory trying to study the effect of the electric field on the E-Coli bacteria. Thus, he accidentally finds that the bacterial cell elongates. The E-Coli bacteria grow 300 times their actual size but stop division. The multiplication or the division stop. It’s...
  • Doomsday-A Story of an Asteroid Hitting the Planet Earth

    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt...

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    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt Everest. It has a width of about twenty kilometers. Scientists predict that it will strike the earth. Hence, the year 3000 AD may be the last year of humanity on...
  • GATE 2023- Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

    The graduate aptitude test in engineering is knocking on the door. In short, it’s known as GATE. IITs & the Indian Institute of Science conduct...

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    The graduate aptitude test in engineering is knocking on the door. In short, it’s known as GATE. IITs & the Indian Institute of Science conduct this examination every year. This time, the organizing institute is the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. It is an online examination. But you must keep in mind that it...
  • Apply for MSc-PhD Courses at World Renowned IISc at Bangalore & other IITs

    The students who have just completed graduation in Science & wish to go for higher studies, there are good chances. If you have strong determination...

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    The students who have just completed graduation in Science & wish to go for higher studies, there are good chances. If you have strong determination & willpower, you can get into world-renowned engineering institutes. Sure, you have a chance & must grab it. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore & other IITs in India are...
  • In Search of Treasure – The True Story of the Discovery of Treasures

    “I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to...

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    “I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to Rajasthan. The goddess calls me while asleep. Hence, orders me in a dream. ‘Get up. Come to my temple. There is a treasure of millions. The treasure buried beneath the...
  • Story of the War between Humans and Demons- Demon Enters the Planet

    The world war starts. It’s a proxy war. A war with the inhabitants of the planet earth & the Demon. The war with the invisible...

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    The world war starts. It’s a proxy war. A war with the inhabitants of the planet earth & the Demon. The war with the invisible monster. Thus, the king of the earth urges people to remain in houses. Inside the houses with the door closed. The fiend maybe around your house hidden somewhere. Hence, people...
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