In Search of Treasure – The True Story of the Discovery of Treasures

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“I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to Rajasthan. The goddess calls me while asleep. Hence, orders me in a dream. ‘Get up. Come to my temple. There is a treasure of millions. The treasure buried beneath the ground. Use this gold for the benefit of poor people. And animals too. Use it for the charity. Thus, helping the community’. She shows me the exact place. About 50 kilometres away from Polo forest. Fifty miles eastwards from Polo forest. The exact place is visible to me. The site for the excavation for treasures. The Goddess tells me to get the treasure. By excavation or digging the earth. The Goddess says, ‘Start the process of worship & Aarti midnight at 12.0 pm. Then, excavation will open the door of the treasure. For centuries, wealth is stagnant beneath the earth. But, no one knows about it’. She also fixes the day & date for the ceremony”

I am Abhishek, a resident of Udaipur.

Abhishek resides in Udaipur. He is a retired assistant forest officer. Formerly, he was deployed as a forester in Gujarat-the Aravalli forest ranges.

Thus, now he prepares for the mission. Hence, his dream mission. In fact, for the treasure hunt. Thus, contacts three persons. A priest for worship & two workers who can dig the earth.

At the site of excavation

They all reach the place at night. Reaches the site by a Jeep.

Abhishek: Priest, please start preparations for worship.

The priest: Let me complete all rituals in an hour.

The Pujas- worshipping completes in an hour.

Abhishek: Amit & Jitu, Start digging the earth at the place where I indicate you.

It’s a lonely place. The excavation now starts. In the beginning, some bricks come out. After an hour, it seems there is some metallic sound herd while digging. To their surprise, from the ground, the treasure trove appears. They are five in numbers.  All pots are full of gold coins. But, still, they are beneath the earth. Hence, requires Digging.

Abhishek thinks: ‘Now I will soon become a millionaire. Hence, I am the owner of this wealth. Once I load this wealth in the vehicle I must kill the priest & the workers. Hence no one will know about this wealth’

Evil & wicked thoughts come to his mind. Actually, he forgets the words of the goddess.

But, in no time, there appear the cobra snakes. Thus, preventing the possession of the treasure. The two workers are running away from the site. In addition, a loud boom from somewhere echoes.  ‘O Goddess Khodiar, they are looting your treasure. Take care of it’. In fact, this now creates havoc. Thus, an unexpected disaster. The horrifying rainstorms seem to cover the place. There is rattling sound of horses running here & there. Therefore, the atmosphere now is mysterious & frightful.

At the same time, the treasure troves disappear.

Abhishek & his company flee from the site with difficulty.

After two weeks of time, all the culprits die due to some unknown diseases.

This is a true story. The names of persons are changed. Hence, if you visit the site, you will find bricks lying here & there. It seems, prior to the formation of the ranges, there existed a culture. Therefore, it’s a subject of research. But, neither the archaeological department nor the government knows about this fact.

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