• The Haunting of Nishapur – A Story of a Ghost

    In the quaint town of Nishapur, nestled between the whispering forests and the serene lake, there was a legend which- was famous for generations. It...

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    In the quaint town of Nishapur, nestled between the whispering forests and the serene lake, there was a legend which- was famous for generations. It was that on every ‘full moon’ night, the spirit of a young woman roamed the woods, searching for something—or someone—lost in time. Akash was a bright science student from the...
  • A Horror Story- A Terrifying Encounter with a Ghost

    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to...

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    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to eradicate superstitions & false beliefs such as witchcraft. In fact, people believes in black magic & ghosts everywhere in the world. The people of the developed countries too believes in...
  • Haunted Story- Story of a Wandering Soul From an Unknown Dimension

    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of...

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    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of the place’- says the manager with a smile. Arun is working as an officer at the state bank of India.  He & his family resides in Delhi.  Father, Mother &...
  • A Monk Invite God of Fire-Agni Deva to Light Fire at Religious Ceremony

    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along...

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    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along with long hair on his head. A Trishul & a Kamandal in his hand adds to his personality as a Hindu monk or Sadhu. The villagers are naïve & modest...
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