• Story of a Remarkable Genius- Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday was born at Newington Butts-London (England) on September 22, 1791. His father was a blacksmith. The family was poor. He suffered from poverty...

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    Michael Faraday was born at Newington Butts-London (England) on September 22, 1791. His father was a blacksmith. The family was poor. He suffered from poverty and hardship during childhood. His school education was just so-so. He only learnt to read and write. He used to play marbles in the street with boys and took care...
  • Awesome Science Projects for Kids- Kids Stuff

    Growing plants in the house is a good and healthy practice. The herbs and shrubs help purify the air, and the flowers and their peculiar...

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    Growing plants in the house is a good and healthy practice. The herbs and shrubs help purify the air, and the flowers and their peculiar fragrance develop positive energy at the home. The shrub, such as night ‘jasmine.’ is a wonderful plant whose flowers spread a pleasant smell. A survey shows that this plant is...
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