• The Haunting of Nishapur – A Story of a Ghost

    In the quaint town of Nishapur, nestled between the whispering forests and the serene lake, there was a legend which- was famous for generations. It...

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    In the quaint town of Nishapur, nestled between the whispering forests and the serene lake, there was a legend which- was famous for generations. It was that on every ‘full moon’ night, the spirit of a young woman roamed the woods, searching for something—or someone—lost in time. Akash was a bright science student from the...
  • A Mysterious Journey–A Fable about Journey in Search of God

    An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts....

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    An important meeting is in progress in the conference hall. The participants are the chairperson of DRDO, scientists & well-known cardiologists & other medical experts. ‘It is amazing, sir. He is under our observation for one month. But, neither has he taken any food nor water. Even though he is alright,’ says Dr. Deepak. Coordinator:...
  • Police Arrest College Students Roaming with Girls Wearing Ripped Jeans

    It is an institute of fashion & Technology. The students are celebrating the birthday party of a colleague in a garden in front of the...

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    It is an institute of fashion & Technology. The students are celebrating the birthday party of a colleague in a garden in front of the college. The girls are wearing ripped jeans & shorts. Police enter & arrest the students. In fact, the students are shocked to see the behavior of the police. But, no...
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