• Mental Suggestions-A Story of Unique Sensory Perception

    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted...

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    The air wing division organizes a farewell party. It’s a celebration to say goodbye to group captain Rajesh. ‘Congratulations, group captain Rajesh. They have posted you to your hometown, Srinagar,’ says the president at flying officers meeting. ‘Two years before retirement, you are going to your hometown. So, you are very fortunate, Rajesh,’ adds he....
  • Love Always Wins- A Unique True Story of Destiny

    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems...

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    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems to be energetic, full of enthusiasm & ready to move ahead in life. The audience applauds with cheers. ‘Congratulations, Heena. As usual, you are first among the students. I wish...
  • Haunted Story- Story of a Wandering Soul From an Unknown Dimension

    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of...

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    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of the place’- says the manager with a smile. Arun is working as an officer at the state bank of India.  He & his family resides in Delhi.  Father, Mother &...
  • In Search of Treasure – The True Story of the Discovery of Treasures

    “I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to...

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    “I see a dream. A Dream of the treasure hidden in the   Aravalli mountain range of Rajasthan. The mountain range which extends from Gujarat to Rajasthan. The goddess calls me while asleep. Hence, orders me in a dream. ‘Get up. Come to my temple. There is a treasure of millions. The treasure buried beneath the...
  • Imagination paves the Way towards Discovery- Story of Kekule’s Dream

      It is the nineteenth century. Science is in its infant stage. Therefore, people around the world are living a primitive life. But, the world...

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      It is the nineteenth century. Science is in its infant stage. Therefore, people around the world are living a primitive life. But, the world witnesses most of the scientific discoveries in this period. This era records most of the inventions. Friedrich August Kekule is a German chemist. A scientist. He is working on chemical...
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