• The Rise of Anti Gravity- A Tale of Two Eras

    In the bustling city of Neo-Ayodhya in the 30th century, a groundbreaking discovery revolutionized the world: antigravity technology. Gone were the days of congested highways...

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    In the bustling city of Neo-Ayodhya in the 30th century, a groundbreaking discovery revolutionized the world: antigravity technology. Gone were the days of congested highways and polluted skies. People soared above the ground in their sleek, antigravity shoes, commuting effortlessly through the air. Vehicles levitated gracefully, and aeroplanes now glided at lower altitudes, creating an...
  • A Jungle Story-Mother’s Love

    There was a small village in India. Jungle and hills surrounded it. Families living there enjoyed the beauty and the peace of nature. The occupation...

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    There was a small village in India. Jungle and hills surrounded it. Families living there enjoyed the beauty and the peace of nature. The occupation of the people was farming. And kettles and looking after them. The cattle, such as cows, were their family members. They were a part of their lives. They understood the...
  • Sunny Leone in a New Avatar-Performs Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

    Sunny Leon (Karen) visited Ganesh’s temple. The latest news says that she performed Ganga Aarti in Varanasi. Lots of people, including men and women, gathered...

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    Sunny Leon (Karen) visited Ganesh’s temple. The latest news says that she performed Ganga Aarti in Varanasi. Lots of people, including men and women, gathered to have an actual look at her. They clad her in a yellow dress. It looked like she was a ‘Sanyasini’,-Indian Sadhvi (saint). Many of us know what sort of...
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