• The Revenge of Janmejay- Unheard Story from Mahabharata

    The war of Mahabharata was the most devastating, in which thousands of people were dead. There were widows remaining in most of the empires and...

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    The war of Mahabharata was the most devastating, in which thousands of people were dead. There were widows remaining in most of the empires and kingdoms. At the war’s end,- ‘Yudhishthir’ became the king of the Hastinapur. Yudhishthir ruled the empire for about thirty-six years. Yudhishthir and the Pandavas were then old. Hence, they decided...
  • ‘Love Thy Neighbor’- Universal Principle for Humanity by Jesus

    I am the creator. I created the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the time and all. The earth is a zoo. This zoo...

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    I am the creator. I created the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the time and all. The earth is a zoo. This zoo includes all living organisms, including the most evolved species whom we know as homo- sapiens. I created the zoo to study the behaviour of living species. The creation was a...
  • Fear of Invasion – Humans Fear Invasion from Extraterrestrial Life

    A streak of light observed in the sky. It’s heading towards the land. In a few minutes, the spaceship lands in a village. It lands...

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    A streak of light observed in the sky. It’s heading towards the land. In a few minutes, the spaceship lands in a village. It lands on barren land near a farm. Within a few seconds, the news spreads like a fire. Hence, the government immediately comes into action. Thus, the police & the military cordon...
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