• The Great Exchange of Political Wisdom-A Tale of Kamala and Rahul

    In a dimly lit Washington cafe, freshly brewed coffee mingled with a distinct whiff of regret as two prominent political figures, Kamla and Rahul, sat...

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    In a dimly lit Washington cafe, freshly brewed coffee mingled with a distinct whiff of regret as two prominent political figures, Kamla and Rahul, sat across from each other. They weren’t there to discuss foreign policy, economic collaboration, or climate change. Today’s agenda was far more pressing: the fine art of political defeat and the...
  • A Whisper From the Unknown World- A Short Story

    Suraj was a sincere medical student who occupied his days with textbooks, stethoscopes, and the promise of healing. But amidst the hospital routine, he found...

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    Suraj was a sincere medical student who occupied his days with textbooks, stethoscopes, and the promise of healing. But amidst the hospital routine, he found something more profound. It was love that transcended the boundaries of anatomy and diagnosis. Shalini, too, was a medical student who was in the same class. Shalini’s eyes were bright...
  • A Jungle Story-Mother’s Love

    There was a small village in India. Jungle and hills surrounded it. Families living there enjoyed the beauty and the peace of nature. The occupation...

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    There was a small village in India. Jungle and hills surrounded it. Families living there enjoyed the beauty and the peace of nature. The occupation of the people was farming. And kettles and looking after them. The cattle, such as cows, were their family members. They were a part of their lives. They understood the...
  • ‘Love Thy Neighbor’- Universal Principle for Humanity by Jesus

    I am the creator. I created the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the time and all. The earth is a zoo. This zoo...

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    I am the creator. I created the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the time and all. The earth is a zoo. This zoo includes all living organisms, including the most evolved species whom we know as homo- sapiens. I created the zoo to study the behaviour of living species. The creation was a...
  • THE ARCHEOLOGIST-A Story About Treasure Hunt

    Historians claim- India extended up to Afghanistan in the northeast and covered Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, West Bengal etc. in the western region. And, towards the...

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    Historians claim- India extended up to Afghanistan in the northeast and covered Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, West Bengal etc. in the western region. And, towards the south, Sri Lanka was part of Bharata. Afghanistan was known as Gandhar Pradesh. This was the period around 1300 BC when civilizations such as the Indus Valley flourished. Other cultures,...
  • The Girl Whom I Loved-A Unique Love Story of My Destiny

    I was an extraordinary student in my college. Thus, I completed my graduation with distinction. Hence, I got selected for the post of officer in...

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    I was an extraordinary student in my college. Thus, I completed my graduation with distinction. Hence, I got selected for the post of officer in the Income tax department. In fact, I was a little shy and an introverted type of person. Thus, I had few friends because I used to spare my time reading...
  • Funny & Erotic Carvings on the Outer Wall of the Love Temple- Khajuraho

    We are on the premises of the Khajuraho temple. It is a big temple. And a temple is a place of worship. Lord Shiva is...

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    We are on the premises of the Khajuraho temple. It is a big temple. And a temple is a place of worship. Lord Shiva is seated in the shrine room of the temple. Hence, we can see the devotees of Shiva and tourist from India and throughout the world roaming here and there. But, surprisingly,...
  • Afghan Forces rip apart Wire Fence to express Love to Pakistan

    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the...

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    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the neighbor. But the Pakistan army was constructing wire fencing along the Afghan border. Somehow, the Afghan government got the information from the intelligence agencies. Thus, the general director of intelligence,...
  • Love Always Wins- A Unique True Story of Destiny

    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems...

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    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems to be energetic, full of enthusiasm & ready to move ahead in life. The audience applauds with cheers. ‘Congratulations, Heena. As usual, you are first among the students. I wish...
  • Haunted Story- Story of a Wandering Soul From an Unknown Dimension

    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of...

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    ‘Congratulations Mr. Arun. You have been posted to a branch in Sikkim. You are a young man & you will enjoy the natural life of the place’- says the manager with a smile. Arun is working as an officer at the state bank of India.  He & his family resides in Delhi.  Father, Mother &...
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