• Adam and Eve- the Story of Creation of Human Beings from the Bible

    God was alone. There was nothing except him. Thus, he thought, ‘I am alone. Let me create a beautiful multiverse. Therefore, he created planets and...

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    God was alone. There was nothing except him. Thus, he thought, ‘I am alone. Let me create a beautiful multiverse. Therefore, he created planets and the whole universe. And God created the heavens and the earth. He said, ‘Let there be light and there was light.’ The sun’s existence created the day and the night...
  • Aliens- Funny News around the World

    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO....

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    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO. Some people are worried and have a fear of extraterrestrial life. Hence, they are suffering from xenophobia. Thus, the quest for aliens continues. And will continue for years to come....
  • Turmeric Is As Effective As Omeprazole – Natural Way of Healing

    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were...

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    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were well-known thousands of years ago. Ayurveda-the old- traditional medical system, has given immense importance to such herbs. Recently, scientists have been researching herbs and herbal medicines around the world. The...
  • Artificial Intelligence In Search of God-A Short Story

    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that...

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    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that controls humanity. AI now decides to answer who created the universe and how living organisms exist on the earth. The robots are moving here and there. AI robots govern the...
  • Stephen Hawking- The Laws of Nature Governs Everything

    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many...

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    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many more sophisticated questions. Scientists and philosophers have answered these questions differently. But let us start from the very beginning. That is from ancient times when there was no development in...
  • An Amazing Story of Uninvited Alien -Guests Visiting Planet Earth

    The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the...

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    The scientist of the globe has been searching for the aliens or the extraterrestrial intelligent life for years. But, they have found none till the present 50th century. Of course, the search is still going on. But, people of the world at present are discussing strange incidents occurring around them. All social media platforms, news...
  • Scientist Prepare Oxygen on Mars –A Move to Shift Human Race to the New Planet

    A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even...

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    A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even though scientists successfully generate oxygen from this atmosphere. Second, they will study the microorganisms such as bacteria & viruses on that planet. And we hope people move to Mars in...
  • Teleportation-Scientist Invent a Machine ‘Teleporter’ & Shift to the Planet TOI700d

    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is...

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    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is over. On this occasion, Kaku invites all the fellow scientist, relatives & friends to dinner. A grand celebration at his research laboratory. This day, Dr. Kaku is quite excited. It...
  • President Trump to Announce Aliens on the Planet Earth

    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable...

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    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable sources say. There was a secret agreement between Trump & his team with the Aliens. The accord was not to disclose the identity, the residence, the work they do on...
  • Doomsday-A Story of an Asteroid Hitting the Planet Earth

    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt...

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    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt Everest. It has a width of about twenty kilometers. Scientists predict that it will strike the earth. Hence, the year 3000 AD may be the last year of humanity on...
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