A voyager lands on Mars. Lands successfully & captures images of the surface of Mars. The atmosphere of this planet contains carbon dioxide. But, even though scientists successfully generate oxygen from this atmosphere. Second, they will study the microorganisms such as bacteria & viruses on that planet.
And we hope people move to Mars in the future to come. It seems it must be a mission of the scientists of the world. A sacred mission to vacate the earth because of the virus? It may be because the fight against the invisible monster on the planet earth seems to be tough.
Science is still in its infant stage. Humanity does not understand the nature of such microorganisms. Hence thousands of people are dying every day. The deadly virus is wreaking havoc on the lives of many people. In few regions, there is an oxygen shortage. The virus attacks & creates oxygen deficiency. Thus, the patients die. Science is trying to eradicate the problem, but still no solution to this problem.
Scientists of the developed nations are engaged in devising new deadly weapons such as missiles & chemical weapons. People say that some laboratories are performing experiments on biological weapons. Thus, biological weapons include studies on dangerous microorganisms such as viruses & bacteria.
Therefore, such work of science is going to harm humanity.
In few regions of the globe, people do not believe in the concept of a virus. People don’t know virus spreads through personal contacts.
Even religious leaders threaten the governments for permitting religious processions. You must have observed an enormous crowd gathered at the Kumbh Mela. In addition, no one was wearing a mask. It seems the virus had no space to spread across the gathering.
Hence, instead of probing outer planets, scientists must safeguard our home. Scientists, politicians & the community must put science at work to improve our life. Otherwise, our progress will be in the wrong direction.
The question is, are we moving in the right direction? Hasn’t Darwin’s theory of evolution created chaos? The scientists must answer such questions. Read more at https://scribe.uccs.edu/satire-new-science-shows-that-covid-19does-not-exist-in-small-towns/.