Xi Jinping is upset. He is facing a problem. The Hong Kong crisis. People want partial autonomy to continue. China should not interfere in their internal matters. They want to protect their democratic ways & laws. Thus, thousands & millions of people come out of their houses in seconds. Moreover, they gather on airports & railway stations & thus, create chaos. Anyway, still, it’s a peaceful way of protest.
Xi Jinping has limited friends. Yes, Imran Khan is. But, only for selfish requirements. Not a true friend. Xi Jinping has good terms with PM Modi, it seems. He likes him. But, as a policy of the country, he goes against. It’s only the comrades or the high power committee decides the policy.
Reliable sources say that Chinese president seeks advice from Indian PM. He contacts on the telephone.
The Conversation.
Xi Jinping: Hello, good morning, Sir.
Indian PM: Good morning.
Xi Jinping: Anyway, Modiji, it’s great. Almost all major countries of the world support you & your policy. Congratulations.
PM Modi: Thank you, dear.
Xi Jinping: As per our foreign policy, I was not able to support you. I apologize, Modiji.
PM Modi: It’s OK, Sir.
Xi Jinping: I seek your advice. How can I solve the Hong Kong crisis?
PM: Please note down the following points.
‘Try to find out who supports & finance the movement from outside. Moreover, try to stop the finance. Secondly, find out the leaders that fires the movements. Hence, detain the leaders. But, give them all facilities. By hook or crook, convince them to stop the movement. Stop the communication system for time being. Moreover, arrange military here & there. Ask the military to help & assist the public there. Try to win the minds of people & local leaders. Influence the people to follow the leader. For peace & prosperity. To stop terrorism & bloodshed. It takes some time. People change their mind. At last, allow the people to choose their leader. In addition, encourage young leadership. Young generation is not rigid. Moreover, they are not hardliners.’
PM: And at last, dear, you are living in a house of glass. Hence, stop throwing stones at ours. Thus, I cannot trust you, friend. We believe in democracy & peace. I know, you will repeat the Tienanmen Square massacre in Hong Kong.
Xi Jinping: Thank you, have a nice day, sir.