• Adam and Eve- the Story of Creation of Human Beings from the Bible

    God was alone. There was nothing except him. Thus, he thought, ‘I am alone. Let me create a beautiful multiverse. Therefore, he created planets and...

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    God was alone. There was nothing except him. Thus, he thought, ‘I am alone. Let me create a beautiful multiverse. Therefore, he created planets and the whole universe. And God created the heavens and the earth. He said, ‘Let there be light and there was light.’ The sun’s existence created the day and the night...
  • ‘Love Thy Neighbor’- Universal Principle for Humanity by Jesus

    I am the creator. I created the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the time and all. The earth is a zoo. This zoo...

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    I am the creator. I created the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the time and all. The earth is a zoo. This zoo includes all living organisms, including the most evolved species whom we know as homo- sapiens. I created the zoo to study the behaviour of living species. The creation was a...
  • Artificial Intelligence In Search of God-A Short Story

    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that...

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    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that controls humanity. AI now decides to answer who created the universe and how living organisms exist on the earth. The robots are moving here and there. AI robots govern the...
  • Stephen Hawking- The Laws of Nature Governs Everything

    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many...

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    Sometimes, typical questions arise in our minds. The questions such as Where is God? Who is controlling this world? How do miracles occur? And many more sophisticated questions. Scientists and philosophers have answered these questions differently. But let us start from the very beginning. That is from ancient times when there was no development in...
  • Funny & Erotic Carvings on the Outer Wall of the Love Temple- Khajuraho

    We are on the premises of the Khajuraho temple. It is a big temple. And a temple is a place of worship. Lord Shiva is...

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    We are on the premises of the Khajuraho temple. It is a big temple. And a temple is a place of worship. Lord Shiva is seated in the shrine room of the temple. Hence, we can see the devotees of Shiva and tourist from India and throughout the world roaming here and there. But, surprisingly,...
  • Woven Pearls from the Holy Book Bible- A Short Story

    Abraham was a member of a tribe living in Mesopotamia. Thus, scholars predict Mesopotamia was the first or the oldest civilization on the earth. The...

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    Abraham was a member of a tribe living in Mesopotamia. Thus, scholars predict Mesopotamia was the first or the oldest civilization on the earth. The name of his father was Terah. Terah was an idol worshiper. Thus, he believed in and imagined God as an idol. He had great faith in God, shaped in statue-like...
  • A Monk Invite God of Fire-Agni Deva to Light Fire at Religious Ceremony

    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along...

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    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along with long hair on his head. A Trishul & a Kamandal in his hand adds to his personality as a Hindu monk or Sadhu. The villagers are naïve & modest...
  • Ganjedi Sadhus Come Out in Support of Rhea- A Campaign to Legalize Drugs

    A large number of Ganjedi Babas from Girnar & other such places come out. They all have come out in support of Rhea Chakraborty. They...

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    A large number of Ganjedi Babas from Girnar & other such places come out. They all have come out in support of Rhea Chakraborty. They are not at all afraid of the Narcotic Bureau & do not care for anybody. Babas use Ganja, Bhang, and Marijuana for years. Charas is their favorite. Baba: We enjoy...
  • Fear of Invasion – Humans Fear Invasion from Extraterrestrial Life

    A streak of light observed in the sky. It’s heading towards the land. In a few minutes, the spaceship lands in a village. It lands...

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    A streak of light observed in the sky. It’s heading towards the land. In a few minutes, the spaceship lands in a village. It lands on barren land near a farm. Within a few seconds, the news spreads like a fire. Hence, the government immediately comes into action. Thus, the police & the military cordon...
  • A Religious Story- Gifts Given to Civilization by Saints

    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of...

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    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of the multi-universe. But, they are only theories. We do not have exact knowledge of the universe. Science tries to answer so many questions. But what happens after death? We do...
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