• A Whisper From the Unknown World- A Short Story

    Suraj was a sincere medical student who occupied his days with textbooks, stethoscopes, and the promise of healing. But amidst the hospital routine, he found...

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    Suraj was a sincere medical student who occupied his days with textbooks, stethoscopes, and the promise of healing. But amidst the hospital routine, he found something more profound. It was love that transcended the boundaries of anatomy and diagnosis. Shalini, too, was a medical student who was in the same class. Shalini’s eyes were bright...
  • Success Stories of Great Scientist – Inspirational Stories

    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see...

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    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see the past or failures. Thus, always looking ahead towards the future. Future still awaiting. Therefore, the great discoveries are the outcome of future dreams of the genius. They create the...
  • A Tale of An Antique Book

    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They...

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    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They have solved the problem of pollution. The average human age is about 150 years & it’s an era where robots play an important role in society. India is now a...
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