• The Revenge of Janmejay- Unheard Story from Mahabharata

    The war of Mahabharata was the most devastating, in which thousands of people were dead. There were widows remaining in most of the empires and...

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    The war of Mahabharata was the most devastating, in which thousands of people were dead. There were widows remaining in most of the empires and kingdoms. At the war’s end,- ‘Yudhishthir’ became the king of the Hastinapur. Yudhishthir ruled the empire for about thirty-six years. Yudhishthir and the Pandavas were then old. Hence, they decided...
  • The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Taliban Government

    They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland &...

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    They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland & many have already left. However, it seems they are in the Stone Age. It was the age when the tribes were fighting with each other. Hence, we say they were...
  • Releasing Balloon in the Open Sky-Paving the Way to Imperial Sovereignty

    You are aware of the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. We notice that the kings of that period used to perform ashwamedha yajna. It was...

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    You are aware of the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. We notice that the kings of that period used to perform ashwamedha yajna. It was to prove supremacy and to be the almighty king of the region or the entire world. In short, it was to prove their imperial sovereignty. The story In those days,...
  • Weather Warfare-The Deadly Weapons of the Future

    Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei...

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    Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei & a tremendous amount of energy. This process occurs at very high temperatures. However, during this process, some mass gets converted into energy. Thus, the artificial sun, which depends on...
  • Deadly but Smart Weapons of the next Century-A Short Story

    It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel...

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    It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel and treacherous person. This type of weapon can come back whenever its owner wishes. This type of weapon works as per the order of its owner. Yes, its name is...
  • A Tale of An Antique Book

    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They...

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    It’s an era of the thirty-fifth century. An era of gene therapy. And, diseases such as cancer & AIDS are completely & readily curable. They have solved the problem of pollution. The average human age is about 150 years & it’s an era where robots play an important role in society. India is now a...
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