Deadly but Smart Weapons of the next Century-A Short Story

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It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel and treacherous person.

This type of weapon can come back whenever its owner wishes. This type of weapon works as per the order of its owner.

Yes, its name is Sudarshana Chakra, a spinning weapon with edges, a sacred weapon of Lord Krishna. It was a unique weapon with morale, a weapon that analyzes, can destroy, and return to the owner.

Thousands of years ago, such weapons existed. Some say they were using such arms in the war of Mahabharata.

The war of Mahabharata

In the war of Mahabharata, Jayadrath & his colleagues kill Abhimanyu by violating the rules of war. Abhimanyu was the son of Arjun. Hence, Arjun vows to kill Jayadrath before the sunset if, otherwise, Arjun commits suicide.

However, Arjun couldn’t reach his enemy before sunset.

But it was the wish of Krishna that truth, or the true religion, must-win.

Thus, for that moment, Krishna helped him. It was the fourteenth day of the war.

Krishna hides the sun with his war-quoit or Sudarshana Chakra. Krishna sends his spinning weapon toward the sun. As a result, the sun gets masked. Therefore, this creates an illusion of sunset.

Thus, the Kaurava gets fooled and rejoices over the defeat of Arjun.

They looked forward to his suicide because it was sunset.

Now, suddenly, Jayadrath comes out in front to mock Arjun.

But, suddenly, the illusion is over. The sun is free from eclipse.

There is no sunset.

Hence, Arjun strikes Jayadrath and kills him to avenge Abhimanyu’s death.

Modern Weapons

Modern weapons have no morale- they kill anyone and Kill innocent civilians, children, and even the elders. And everyone. These weapons do not care who the target is, and there is no discrimination between good and evil.

Weapons of the Next Century

Wars are unavoidable. The creation and destruction are part and parcel of destiny. But we are manufacturing weapons similar to Sudarshana Chakra.

We are manufacturing weapons that know whom to kill and whom to spare.

These are the weapons that care and show loyalty, and they will be the next generation of super-intelligent weapons.

These weapons will find out the guilty or wrongdoer and kill him.

Hence, they do not care about outer appearance as language, clothing, religion, or physical characteristics.

These will be the weapons that read the brain waves.

It may be that there is something wrong with the brain of a dictator. The weapon immediately targets him and kills him.

Thus, there will be no more war and no more world war. There will be no killing of innocent people, civilians, and children.

These will be the weapons to establish peace and prosperity. Weapons are just like Sudarshana Chakra.

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