• The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Taliban Government

    They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland &...

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    They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland & many have already left. However, it seems they are in the Stone Age. It was the age when the tribes were fighting with each other. Hence, we say they were...
  • Deadly but Smart Weapons of the next Century-A Short Story

    It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel...

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    It’s a story of a unique type of weapon, a weapon that kills the guilty and kills demons, a weapon that kills only the cruel and treacherous person. This type of weapon can come back whenever its owner wishes. This type of weapon works as per the order of its owner. Yes, its name is...
  • Schrodinger’s Cat Paradox- Stories Explaining the Behavior of Microscopic Particles

    Erwin Schrodinger was a physicist who was born in Vienna in the year 1887. Schrodinger derived partial differential equations. We know these equations as Schrodinger...

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    Erwin Schrodinger was a physicist who was born in Vienna in the year 1887. Schrodinger derived partial differential equations. We know these equations as Schrodinger equations. Thus, he received Nobel Prize in the year 1933. Schrodinger equation describes the behavior of particles like electrons. Electrons and such subatomic particles exist in different states simultaneously. Hence,...
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