The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Taliban Government

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They are heading towards chemical and nuclear warfare. They fight like bulls, killing innocent people, including children and women. People are leaving their motherland & many have already left.

However, it seems they are in the Stone Age. It was the age when the tribes were fighting with each other. Hence, we say they were uneducated and uncivilized people. Therefore, they were throwing stones and fighting with each other.

But the world is now in the 21st century, civilized and mature. Education (so-called) is at its peak. The AI is going to dominate the human mind. But even then, our mentality remains the same as in the Stone Age.

Throwing missiles at each other. Testing new weapons & always trying to prove supremacy over the other.


It’s not the time for war. We must solve our problems by negotiations. That’s what most of the leaders of the world admit.

The Taliban’s view is praiseworthy. The government is now marching in the right direction. They have asked both countries to maintain peace & solve the problem on a table by dialogue. The Taliban government believes that dialogue is the only solution to any problem.

Some people think that the government is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But, it’s totally wrong. They have great respect for women, minorities, journalists, and human rights activists.

It is because they know what peace is. They have gained peace at the cost of the life of millions. They have survived through firings & bombings & hard life. And now they are talking about peace.

Hence, they understand the meaning of peace.

There is an Arab ‘proverb’ ‘PEACE IS ONLY POSSIBLE AFTER WAR’

There are many instances in the history.

The Story of Great Ashoka.

Ashoka wanted to be king. But his half-brothers were against him. Therefore, to become a king, he had to fight against them. There was a terrible fight among them, and finally, ‘Ashoka’ emerged victorious. He had killed all the others to become king.

Ashoka conquered nearly all of central India. He fought several wars, killed many people & became the ‘Samrat’ of India.

Ashoka came into contact with Guru Shakya Senge. His teachings changed his life.

It was a peace after the war.

Even Lord Krishna could not avoid the war of Mahabharata. It was the wish of the creator. The creation and destruction must go on. Peace prevails only after the chaos.

We are puppets of the creator God. It’s just like a play. It seems war is as good as romance. And it goes on as the wish of the director.

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