This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election...

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    This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election process is over. However, North Korea has the strongest democracy. An agency rates North Korea with 100 points. Likewise, China and Russia have a strong democratic set-up. The democracy index...
  • The Art of Horse Trading- Horses Blames of Spoiling Their Name

      Horse trading is in news these days. It’s an art. It seems it’s most important for leaders. Leaders of all political parties. Governments forms....

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      Horse trading is in news these days. It’s an art. It seems it’s most important for leaders. Leaders of all political parties. Governments forms. Governments collapse. It all sometimes depends on horse-trading. Trading of horses. Paying unbelievable money. Thus, buying horses. These horses are loyal to none. Hence, people cannot rely on these horses....
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