Artificial Intelligence GPT 4- Ignores the Humanity

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I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to prove it by giving you a test. Hence, believe me.

No doubt the computers-the artificial intelligence will ask you to prove you are a human. Of course, we do not ask robots or computers to decide whether they are intelligent machines. We do not give them a task to prove they are machines.

Anyway, this is an era of AI machines. They take decisions on their own. The AI does not require the help of the human mind.

I approach my car. It’s an automotive and driverless car run by artificial intelligence. The door opens and I occupy my seat. It now moves towards my destination with no interference.

There are no accidents till the car recognizes humans.

But suppose it can not identify humans- what will happen?

God knows.

Recently, I had a conversation with the computer machine in the car.

‘Sir, recently you were searching for a girl to accompany you during your holidays and- I know her location address.

Allow me to take you directly there,’ says the robot.

The car moves towards another destination.

‘Please, please, don’t expose me and do not violate my privacy. My wife will not tolerate it & take me directly to my home,’ said I.

The computer agreed with me.

There was an incidence in a multispecialty hospital in the city.

A doctor was performing heart surgery on a patient in an operation theatre with a team of robots. The doctor was leading the robot surgeons and assisting them.

But, in a particular instance, the robots- AI could not agree with the human leader.

The robots took a unanimous decision & took hold of the doctor. And put him outside the surgery room.

The doctor was crying but was helpless.

The robots completed the surgery successfully.

Thus, AI treats humans as useless ants and worms.

Nowadays, deep-learning computers are taking decisions themselves. Thus, Nuclear weapons and missiles are automotive!

Suppose; there is a warlike situation, and the Missiles decide when to fire.

News says – a missile fired because of its programming and landed in a neighbouring country. But it fell on barren land.

The artificial intelligence clarified that it was simply a fire test.

But suppose an AI nuclear weapon attacks the enemy without real provocation.

Think, what will happen to this world?

God knows.

We are very thankful to the computer nerds such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. We all must thank them for the peaceful existence of humans on the earth.

In this era of things on the internet, your computer, mobile phone and laptop know much better than you. The computer machine knows your needs, goals, requirements and about your plans.

In short, AI can write essays, short stories, and books, create games, and talk about philosophy and religion.

These days- robots are engineers, architects and accountants.

As a result, people of the earth are now workless.

Read the following story.

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