• Zelenskyy Release a New Film-‘The War Room’

    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He...

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    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He is an honest teacher who becomes a politician and, finally, the leader of Ukraine. This series was top-rated in the country. Interestingly, Ukrainians loved the character of Zelenskyy as the...

    This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election...

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    This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election process is over. However, North Korea has the strongest democracy. An agency rates North Korea with 100 points. Likewise, China and Russia have a strong democratic set-up. The democracy index...
  • The Black Magic-Power of Hypnotization

    It’s the house of the president. Something mysterious is going on in the house. Some ‘Amils’ and ‘Pirs’ are coming in and out of the...

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    It’s the house of the president. Something mysterious is going on in the house. Some ‘Amils’ and ‘Pirs’ are coming in and out of the Bungalow. A cloud of black smoke is rising from the premises of the residence. Yes, it’s black magic. With this magic, they will free the ‘Jinns’ from the invisible world-...
  • Russia, China and Iran-Building New Democratic Front

    The Prez abandoned the press conference just midway. He left when the press reporters asked questions about the banking crisis, the Ukraine war and the...

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    The Prez abandoned the press conference just midway. He left when the press reporters asked questions about the banking crisis, the Ukraine war and the latest political developments in the region. But instead of briefing or giving answers to the reporters, he left without uttering a single word. Because the Prez remembered his promise to...
  • World Leaders Unites to find Global Solution for Peace and Prosperity- Satire Story.

    The Indian police are after him. And the chief of the police orders to arrest him immediately. But somehow, he escapes and reaches London. Hence,...

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    The Indian police are after him. And the chief of the police orders to arrest him immediately. But somehow, he escapes and reaches London. Hence, the police pass the information to Interpol. And the international police are now trying to arrest him. Surely, you must be thinking of Bankrupt Mallya. But your imagination is wrong....
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