This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election...

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    This year there are elections in America, India, Britain and other European countries. Most countries are preparing for elections. And in some countries, the election process is over. However, North Korea has the strongest democracy. An agency rates North Korea with 100 points. Likewise, China and Russia have a strong democratic set-up. The democracy index...
  • Artificial Intelligence In Search of God-A Short Story

    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that...

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    It is 3000 AD. AI-artificial intelligence is in search of God. It tries to find out about heaven and the presence of a superpower that controls humanity. AI now decides to answer who created the universe and how living organisms exist on the earth. The robots are moving here and there. AI robots govern the...
  • Russia, China and Iran-Building New Democratic Front

    The Prez abandoned the press conference just midway. He left when the press reporters asked questions about the banking crisis, the Ukraine war and the...

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    The Prez abandoned the press conference just midway. He left when the press reporters asked questions about the banking crisis, the Ukraine war and the latest political developments in the region. But instead of briefing or giving answers to the reporters, he left without uttering a single word. Because the Prez remembered his promise to...
  • President Trump to Announce Aliens on the Planet Earth

    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable...

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    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable sources say. There was a secret agreement between Trump & his team with the Aliens. The accord was not to disclose the identity, the residence, the work they do on...
  • Discovery of New Exoplanet Leads to World War-The War to Conquer the Planet

    The police are after him. They want to arrest him. Arrest him for anti-government propaganda. The journalist is dangerous for the government. The police officer:...

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    The police are after him. They want to arrest him. Arrest him for anti-government propaganda. The journalist is dangerous for the government. The police officer: Sir, his house is locked. No one there. The chief: Ask neighbours. If they know anything about him. The neighbours have no information about him. The chief: Inform all the...
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