• Zelenskyy Release a New Film-‘The War Room’

    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He...

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    Zelenskyy created ‘Servant of the People’, a TV series of political satire and comedy. In this series, he played the role of Ukrainian prez. He is an honest teacher who becomes a politician and, finally, the leader of Ukraine. This series was top-rated in the country. Interestingly, Ukrainians loved the character of Zelenskyy as the...
  • Russia, China and Iran-Building New Democratic Front

    The Prez abandoned the press conference just midway. He left when the press reporters asked questions about the banking crisis, the Ukraine war and the...

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    The Prez abandoned the press conference just midway. He left when the press reporters asked questions about the banking crisis, the Ukraine war and the latest political developments in the region. But instead of briefing or giving answers to the reporters, he left without uttering a single word. Because the Prez remembered his promise to...
  • President Retrieves Military Forces-Declares Victory over the Warfare

    The king of the empire is sad. In fact, he is unfortunate because he cannot accomplish his desire to win the war with the neighboring...

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    The king of the empire is sad. In fact, he is unfortunate because he cannot accomplish his desire to win the war with the neighboring country. It was the strong ambition of the king to win the country and merge it with the empire. But now, it’s been about six months since the war started....
  • Afghan Forces rip apart Wire Fence to express Love to Pakistan

    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the...

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    The Taliban government has a great affinity and love for Pakistan President Imran Khan. Hence, they wish to develop friendly relationships and brotherhood with the neighbor. But the Pakistan army was constructing wire fencing along the Afghan border. Somehow, the Afghan government got the information from the intelligence agencies. Thus, the general director of intelligence,...
  • President Trump to Announce Aliens on the Planet Earth

    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable...

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    There is shocking news. President knows about the aliens. Aliens are living here on this earth along with humans. They also live on Mars. Reliable sources say. There was a secret agreement between Trump & his team with the Aliens. The accord was not to disclose the identity, the residence, the work they do on...
  • Greta Thunberg Visits India- Slams Leaders for Environmental Pollution

    A Non- Government Organization invites Greta Thunberg to India. In fact, invite her to motivate youngsters of India. Hence, to increase general awareness of our...

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    A Non- Government Organization invites Greta Thunberg to India. In fact, invite her to motivate youngsters of India. Hence, to increase general awareness of our environment. Moreover, this girl teaches a lesson to leaders & politicians. Greta Thunberg is a 17-year-old young girl. Moreover, she is a climate activist. She is young & energetic. At...
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