The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era 2020 & 2060 AD. The time of the 22nd century & beyond that is the golden time for the earth. The generations of this period are fortunate.
It’s a world government. World government of the global village. The government issues a unique digital identity card. Identity card for each & every individual. Thus, it’s a card which carries all the information about a person. Birthplace, parents, forefathers & everything. Besides, this card is connected to the internet. It goes on recording your age, education & also your deeds. Moreover, it records all your movement throughout the world. Hence, it’s a marvellous machine. A mind reader. It asses you. Records your deeds. Accordingly, allots numbers. Numbers or the points. A citizen must acquire positive numbers or rankings. A measure of the human personal index. Therefore, known as HPI.
A criminal’s card displays negative HPI below -100. Thus, they tend to be punished. It’s a law of the government. A gentleman always possesses a +1000 ranking. If a person commits a crime & still his ranking is positive, the law does not punish him. Indeed, the FBI investigates his act.
Grata is a young lady. A software engineer in a reputed company. She is also a world-renowned social activist. She works for the welfare of humans, animals, and environment & for the welfare of the earth as such.
Jonathan: Greta, you are great. Our company is proud of you. The president wishes to present an award to you. Your human index crosses +10000.
Greta: O.K Sir, Thank you.
Jonathan: This is the president’s letter. The date & time is fixed.
Grata is happy & proud of receiving the invitation.
At the function
Thousands of people are waiting for Grata. She enters the hall. People are screaming. Moreover, applauding & giving a standing ovation.
The anchor: Welcome, the great lady with plus ten thousand HPI.
Grata occupies her seat in the front raw. The function starts.
The announcer: The president’s first award goes to Grata. Now, I request the Minister of external affairs to owner Grata.
But, Grata knows the Minister is corrupt, liar, cheater & associated with unfair activities.
Jonathan accompanies Grata to the stage.
Minister climb up the stage to present the award.
But, suddenly, she picks up a pistol from her purse. Fires two rounds in the chest of the Minister. Hence, there is hue & cry on the stage. Thus, chaos in the hall. Now, security arrests her.
Her HPI index sinks to plus hundred. Yet, the ranking is positive. Thus, officers let her free.
Moreover, investigations reveal the fact. In fact, the minister’s HPI is below minus hundred. This ranking is for criminals. Hence, the act is justified.