• Love Always Wins- A Unique True Story of Destiny

    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems...

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    ‘The first prize goes to Heena A. Khan.’ the anchor on the stage shouts. Heena, an eighteen-year young girl, rushes towards the stage. She seems to be energetic, full of enthusiasm & ready to move ahead in life. The audience applauds with cheers. ‘Congratulations, Heena. As usual, you are first among the students. I wish...
  • Human Personal Index- The Thirtieth Century Unique Law for Justice

    The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era...

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    The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era 2020 & 2060 AD. The time of the 22nd century & beyond that is the golden time for the earth. The generations of this period are fortunate. It’s a world...
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