Pushpak Viman- A Story of an Anti-gravity Flying Plane

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The third world war is over. It destroyed most of the population of the planet Earth. Few of the countries of the world have vanished from the earth. Those who were in favour or against, are all affected equally. Thus, the world population has decreased to a great extent.

And, there starts a new era. The new age begins with new thoughts, a new environment, new shifts, and new ethics. It was the beginning of new technology, and it inclined the people of the globe to one religion.

There is a meeting going on in the capital city. The prime minister-PM, the top scientists of the region, philosophers and renowned educationists, are the participants.

‘We are happy that we have a unique guest here with us, whom I will introduce to you,’ Says PM.

It surprised everyone in the meeting hall to know who that guest was.

‘He is a time traveller who has invented a time machine. The time machine takes him either to the future or back to history. Hence, he can travel back thousands of years back in time. He is Dr Rishi from the New Nalanda University. Let us welcome and appreciate him,’ concludes the prime minister.

The gathering applauds, gives him a big hand, and welcomes him with a big shout.

The chief of the scientist adorns him with a garland and congratulates him on behalf of the dignitaries. Then he requests the time traveller to give a short introduction of himself and his work.

All present in the meeting are eager to know what he says.

‘Respected PM and other dignitaries. Thank you for inviting me here. I am Dr Rishi, a resident of Kerala. After completion of my M.Tech. I completed my research on aviation and time machine applications of advanced technologies. I have gone through thousands of books on aeronautics and read ancient books on time travel. I have my laboratory where I worked for years to develop such a machine. My staff includes several computer experts, mechanics, architects and top designers of the world,’ continues he.

‘But, friends, I have kept this research a top secret. No one except me knows how to operate this machine.’

‘In fact, I have been telling about time machines to the public many times. But no one believed. People thought I was a mad person. Even the government didn’t notice.’

‘But, now I am thankful to the scientific world that you have accepted my research. You have recognized me and that is great. Once again, I thank you for inviting me.’

‘I always wish to be helpful to my country and the citizens of my country. Thank you all,’ concludes Rishi.

Rishi is now a ‘star’ of the gathering. His invention is a giant leap of humanity towards success.

And there is a break. The government organizes a grand party in his honour.

The second session of the meeting starts after the break.

‘Mr. Rishi, we want to give you a big task. If you complete this work, the people of this globe will remember you forever. You will be the hero of the people,’ says PM.

‘What is that, sir? I am always ready to complete my mission. It is my promise,’ says Rishi.

‘Travel back thousands of years. Find out the secret of the plane (Viman) ‘Pushpak’ and other flying objects. All flying objects were based on the antigravity technique,’ explains the chief.

‘If you are successful, you will get the highest award in the country’, concludes PM.

‘I accept it, sir. I will return within a month. I assure you, I will complete the task,’ promises Rishi.

People in the hall applaud, shout and give inspiration to Rishi.

Thus, the meeting is over.

The journey to Ramavtar begins.

Rishi sits on the machine. Within a fraction of a second, the machine disappears. It is a miracle. Rishi passes from one era (Yug) to the other. It is as if we see the scenes of a movie in reverse order. Thus, he travels back to different worlds.

Rishi reaches the era of Ram. This time has its importance. This era symbolically teaches us about the almighty creator. We can realize the creator by chanting the word ‘Ram’. The vibrations of this word create havoc. This is the reason ‘Valmiki’ wrote about this Avtar well in advance. Shree Hanumanji, who lives in the hilly areas, is chanting the word ‘Ram.’

Anyhow, the work of Rishi is to find the truth about the Viman-Pushpak.

Thus, he heads towards Lanka.

The Pushpak is lying in an open place. He collects all information regarding its working mechanism, fuel and operating system.

Rishi wants to remain there till the battle between Ram & Ravana begins. He wishes to have a glimpse of Ram & wants to touch his feet.

But he has to come back as the task is over. So, he travels forward in time and now enters the current year 3000AD.

Rishi returns along with his time machine. He is continually chanting the word ‘Ram’. It appears he is happy, calm & satisfied. It must be the effect of that age, Ramavtar.

The news spreads. The government calls him for a meeting.

‘This is the secret of Pushpak & such other flying objects. Use this for the benefit of human beings,’ advise Rishi.

‘Congratulations, Rishi. You will be the aviation department director from now onwards,’ confirms the chairperson.

‘In a very short time, we will manufacture such antigravity planes-thanks god,’ says Rishi.


The planes are flying in the sky without consuming much fuel & with no obstacles. And, are at low altitudes with the desired speed. Therefore, there are no chances of accidents or crash landings.

They have also designed antigravity flying houses and farms that float in the air.

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