• A Journey in Search of Bio-Synthetic Fuel

    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant...

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    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant matter, such as twigs of plants, leaves, sprouts, seeds, bark, chips and even other parts of trees. One can use the waste material from wheat, maize and sugarcane plants. And...
  • Turmeric Is As Effective As Omeprazole – Natural Way of Healing

    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were...

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    Turmeric has been an essential ingredient in Indian kitchens since ancient times. It is a constituent of most of the recipes. Its health benefits were well-known thousands of years ago. Ayurveda-the old- traditional medical system, has given immense importance to such herbs. Recently, scientists have been researching herbs and herbal medicines around the world. The...
  • Weather Warfare-The Deadly Weapons of the Future

    Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei...

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    Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei & a tremendous amount of energy. This process occurs at very high temperatures. However, during this process, some mass gets converted into energy. Thus, the artificial sun, which depends on...
  • Amazing Science Experiments- Magic Tricks of Chemistry

    Chemistry is a science of substances. Different substances, when mixed, change into new compounds. The chemicals are so much beneficial in our life that chemistry...

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    Chemistry is a science of substances. Different substances, when mixed, change into new compounds. The chemicals are so much beneficial in our life that chemistry has become a part of our daily life. Thus, the toothpaste we use, fertilizers for agriculture, our medicines & drugs, plastics, the alloys of metals & dyes are all useful...
  • A Monk Invite God of Fire-Agni Deva to Light Fire at Religious Ceremony

    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along...

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    A monk enters into the village. He is wearing a traditional dress of a monk. Therefore, wearing a reddish-pink gown & has long bears along with long hair on his head. A Trishul & a Kamandal in his hand adds to his personality as a Hindu monk or Sadhu. The villagers are naïve & modest...
  • Life on the Exoplanet – Beyond Human Imagination

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see...

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see a huge planet. We are just heading towards it. Tony & Tom are astronauts. Robot astronauts of 50th century. The two astronauts lands on the unknown planet. They are the...
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