• A Horror Story- A Terrifying Encounter with a Ghost

    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to...

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    ‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to eradicate superstitions & false beliefs such as witchcraft. In fact, people believes in black magic & ghosts everywhere in the world. The people of the developed countries too believes in...
  • Join Indian Army- Opportunities for Graduates with N.C.C. ‘C’ Certificate

    Have you completed your graduation with N.C.C. ‘C’ certificate? You should know that ample opportunities are waiting for you in the Armed Forces. In this...

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    Have you completed your graduation with N.C.C. ‘C’ certificate? You should know that ample opportunities are waiting for you in the Armed Forces. In this article, we shall discuss the benefits of National Cadet Corps Certificates in all three wings of the Army, Paramilitary forces & private companies in India. The facility of N.C.C. training...
  • Probing the DNA- A Journey from Anti-Cancer Drugs to the CRISPR Scissors

    It is the year 1964. Rosenberg is a Bio-Physicist. He is in his laboratory trying to study the effect of the electric field on the...

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    It is the year 1964. Rosenberg is a Bio-Physicist. He is in his laboratory trying to study the effect of the electric field on the E-Coli bacteria. Thus, he accidentally finds that the bacterial cell elongates. The E-Coli bacteria grow 300 times their actual size but stop division. The multiplication or the division stop. It’s...
  • Apply for MSc-PhD Courses at World Renowned IISc at Bangalore & other IITs

    The students who have just completed graduation in Science & wish to go for higher studies, there are good chances. If you have strong determination...

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    The students who have just completed graduation in Science & wish to go for higher studies, there are good chances. If you have strong determination & willpower, you can get into world-renowned engineering institutes. Sure, you have a chance & must grab it. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore & other IITs in India are...
  • Success Stories of Great Scientist – Inspirational Stories

    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see...

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    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see the past or failures. Thus, always looking ahead towards the future. Future still awaiting. Therefore, the great discoveries are the outcome of future dreams of the genius. They create the...
  • Story of the Discovery of Anticancer Drug- Celebrating the 50th Anniversary

      It’s the year 1965. Barnett Rosenberg is a Biophysical Chemist. He is studying the effect of the electric field on cell division. Cell division...

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      It’s the year 1965. Barnett Rosenberg is a Biophysical Chemist. He is studying the effect of the electric field on cell division. Cell division or growth of E-Coli bacteria. Thus, generating an electric field by using platinum electrodes. Thus, putting electrodes in a cell containing a bacterial solution and studies bacterial cell division. Rosenberg...
  • Life on the Exoplanet – Beyond Human Imagination

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see...

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see a huge planet. We are just heading towards it. Tony & Tom are astronauts. Robot astronauts of 50th century. The two astronauts lands on the unknown planet. They are the...
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