A Horror Story- A Terrifying Encounter with a Ghost

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‘Friends, our aim is to popularize science. Scientific understanding and scientific temper among the people of our country & throughout the world. We wish to eradicate superstitions & false beliefs such as witchcraft. In fact, people believes in black magic & ghosts everywhere in the world. The people of the developed countries too believes in such pseudoscience. However, there is no existence of the spirits of the dead. Thus, there is no scientific evidence for such beliefs. There are many places in our country to which people know as ghostly.’

The chairperson of the Vigyan Jatha was addressing the members of the organization.

I interrupted.

‘Sir, there is one well known haunted place in Rajasthan. People say no one can stay at that place at night. I wish to go there and find out the truth.’

‘Yes, my dear, find out the actual reason & put it in front of people,’ agreed the chairperson.

I was working as a forest officer. But I, too, was a member of this organization. Hence, in my leisure time, I used to unravel mysteries.

I, and my friend Rajendra, a retired soldier, started our journey towards the Alwar district of Rajasthan.

It is a palace in an old fort. But a lonely place in the forest. Hence, no houses nearby.

We reached the palace at about three o’clock in the evening. We made some arrangements for cleaning few rooms, drinking water, lighting arrangements, few candles, fuel & such primary requirements for staying there. I had with me a laptop along with the mobile phone. In addition, I had a revolver for our protection.

The locals, after planning, returned to their homes in broad daylight. But, they advised us to take care while staying in that palace.

We were now alone in the palace. But, we had a strong desire to experiment. We were completely free from superstitious prejudices.

Both of us were now in the central hall of the palace. There were several rooms attached to the main room & doors of all of them were closed. There was a basement & rooms upstairs too. It was a big multistoried building.

It was a summer night & I could see the moon from a window. The clouds sometimes covered it completely.

I closed the window and went to sleep because it was about ten o’clock at night.

‘All right sir, it’s comfortable, let’s go to sleep.’

Oh’ said I, It seems as if it’s a hotel. Good night Rajendra.’

I was in my bed about to sleep.

‘Sir, I can hear feet pattering here and there & whispers & noises of people.’ complained Rajendra.

‘Please do not get frightened, dear, there is nothing like that.’

‘OK, sir, it must be an illusion.’ He replied,

Suddenly, the light went off. It was utter darkness. I experienced a strange phenomenon. I saw just before me the shape of a terrible figure. Its size was gigantic, nearly touching the ceiling. It was a shadow in human form. It came towards me with its red eyes. He uttered some words. But, I could not understand the language. I gazed at it. But could not speak. My voice utterly failed.

I was frightened. Thus, shouted. My friend, too, stood up. We both saw it. That shape kept advancing towards us. Hence, we tried to escape from there.

But all the doors were closed.

Rajendra kicked a door of the room. Hence, the door opened. We moved inside the room. But the door suddenly locked.

Thus, we were inside the room. Who locked the room? God knows. I tried to open it, but they closed the room from outside. It was terrible. Who did that? Surely! It was not human.

The room was dark & without furniture. There was no other door to escape. In short, it imprisoned us.

For the first time, I experienced what horror is.

‘Let me try to break the door sir, Rajendra gathered courage.

But he could not open the door. He was panting & he stopped. But then I tried to open it. It was equally in vain. Thus, it was a horrible time for us.

It was around three o’clock in the morning.

We were struggling to escape. Suddenly, the door opened automatically. We fled from the room.

We were again in our original central hall. My laptop & revolver was missing. In addition, it terrified us by blood lying here & there in the main room.

Thus, we ran out of the palace & were now outside the main gate.

Now, it was morning time. But the happenings completely exhausted us. I suspected some creatures living in the palace. Surely they must not be ghosts.

‘In fact, these are not the ghosts. Someone intentionally wants to spread fear.’

‘Yes sir, let us inform police. We must find out what is there in the other part of the palace,’ said Rajendra.

I informed the police. In about half an hour, armed police entered the compound.

We tried to enter the palace again with the police.

But it was shocking. An unknown flying machine erupted from the basement hall. Within a fraction of seconds, it disappeared into space.

The unknown creatures left the palace.

We examined each & every part of the palace. We found sophisticated electronic gadgets in the basement area. But, more advanced than our technology. Hence, difficult to understand.

My laptop & revolver was lying there.

Still today, the mystery remains. Who were the creatures? Were they ghost? Were they from unknown planets? Were they alien, staying at that palace to study the humans? It’s a mystery.

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