Story of Invention of a Time Machine -Time Machine Prevents World War-III

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Warplanes of the rival group are now ready. They are loaded with atomic weapons. Nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Atomic bombs to invade the enemy. Hence, to attack the democratic front & their allies.

Yes, in no time, they drop bombs on the Chicago city. Millions of people die. It’s night time. Thus, there is chaos. Therefore, there is hue & cry everywhere. In return, the fighter planes of the democratic front are now ready. Ready to take revenge.

Human beings are set to destroy themselves entirely.

Dr Basu is a time traveller. Thus, sends information of the future.

Dr Basu: I can see and experience the fatalities, destruction & the outcome of the third world war.

Dr Sam: Just try to observe. What are the causes of the war? Take note of the people who are responsible for the nuclear war.

Dr Basu: Yes, he is the dictator. The emperor of the north. Moreover, he has great storage of weapons. The emperor Jong is responsible for the first attack. A man with a dangerous ideology. Hence, king Jong & allies start the war.

Dr Sam: Anyway, we want to avoid the third world war.

Dr Basu: Yes Sir, I have full information. Information about how we can end the war.

Basu returns to the year 2050. Thus, the time machine reverses. It’s a time journey of  Dr Basu to the year 3000.

A group of Scientists invents the amazing time machine. Scientists that support democratic front. It does need a connection with the human brain. Thus, it takes the person to the future. It’s a secret invention. The world does not know about it.

The Secret Meeting

The scientists call a private meeting. A meeting with the president.

Sam: On behalf of all scientists, I welcome honourable President.

President: O.K., friends, let us proceed.

Basu: Sir, time travel reveals a serious matter. There is going to be a war. Thus, a world war-III. A world war in the year 3000. Hence, millions of people will die. In turn, we too use nuclear weapons. The enemy too suffers a lot. It’s not a simple prophecy, but a fact.

Sam: But, sir, we can change destiny. We know who will be responsible for the war. Therefore, we can avoid it.

President: Give me a complete report. I shall handover it to the Chief. In fact, we must avoid war.

Sam: Report is ready sir. The dictator Kim Jong must be beheaded. Before the end of 2095, he should be no more on the planet. Moreover, we must topple the government by the year 2098. In addition, all nuclear weapons should be inactive by 2098

President: I shall use the government machinery to complete the task.

By the year 2095, the emperor lost his life in an air accident. Hence, the government changes.  Moreover, the new government helps to destroy nuclear weapons.

Hence, the time machine helps to avoid a world war. The time machine helps to develop new medicine & vaccines well in advance. In fact, it helps us to avoid deadly pandemic diseases.

We cannot travel back & stop the assassination of Jesus or  Mohammed. But, we can change the future.

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