• The Invasion of the Aliens-A Short Story

    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It...

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    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It says, ‘Humans must approach the android clinic. They will cure disease- whether physical, psychological, mental, or emotional. Our android surgeon will look after diseases. We take the utmost care for...
  • Funny News around the World- New Medicines for Corona Virus Creates Humor

    Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world. People around the world are trying various medicines. Drugs that are not prescribed by doctors. These may not have...

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    Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world. People around the world are trying various medicines. Drugs that are not prescribed by doctors. These may not have scientific approval. But, the community accepts & practice these medicines. Hence, the news spreads like fire in society. Here are some humorous instances. Cow urine as medicine You must have...
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