• A Journey in Search of Bio-Synthetic Fuel

    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant...

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    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant matter, such as twigs of plants, leaves, sprouts, seeds, bark, chips and even other parts of trees. One can use the waste material from wheat, maize and sugarcane plants. And...
  • The Story of Extraterrestrial Intelligence- Aliens Visits the Zoo

    Around 150 million years ago. It’s an age of the dinosaur. Dinosaurs & Tyrannosaurs. Vegetarian & non-vegetarian creatures. The earth is covered with huge sky-touching...

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    Around 150 million years ago. It’s an age of the dinosaur. Dinosaurs & Tyrannosaurs. Vegetarian & non-vegetarian creatures. The earth is covered with huge sky-touching trees. Covered with wild vegetation. Hence, the earth is completely green with enormous water & heavy rain. Dangerous creatures inhabit the earth. Meat-eating giants, warriors & aviators. The giants fight...
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