• Artificial Intelligence- ‘AI’ Develops New Drugs for Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

    Artificial Intelligence will play an excellent role in the pharmaceutical industry and research. The analysis, research and synthesis were time-consuming and were very expensive in...

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    Artificial Intelligence will play an excellent role in the pharmaceutical industry and research. The analysis, research and synthesis were time-consuming and were very expensive in the past. But, with the advent of artificial intelligence- tools, the synthesis and identification of new molecules will be speedy. Artificial Intelligence can predict the properties of new molecules. And...
  • Mind Uploading Technology of the Next Century- A Short Story

    “Ananya?” “Yes, Grandpa?” “Have you completed your homework?” Ananya was an eight-year-old baby with black hair and a sharp mind. She was the most beloved...

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    “Ananya?” “Yes, Grandpa?” “Have you completed your homework?” Ananya was an eight-year-old baby with black hair and a sharp mind. She was the most beloved child of her grandfather. “Yes, Grandpa, I have,” she said. “But you write it five times in your notebook,” he said. “But, papa, we don’t do that. I work on...
  • The Invasion of the Aliens-A Short Story

    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It...

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    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It says, ‘Humans must approach the android clinic. They will cure disease- whether physical, psychological, mental, or emotional. Our android surgeon will look after diseases. We take the utmost care for...
  • Artificial Intelligence GPT 4- Ignores the Humanity

    I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to...

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    I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to prove it by giving you a test. Hence, believe me. No doubt the computers-the artificial intelligence will ask you to prove you are a human. Of course, we do not...
  • Doomsday-A Story of an Asteroid Hitting the Planet Earth

    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt...

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    Doomsday is nearer. An asteroid is approaching the planet earth. It’s a huge space rock which has a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt Everest. It has a width of about twenty kilometers. Scientists predict that it will strike the earth. Hence, the year 3000 AD may be the last year of humanity on...
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