• Mahatma Gandhi and the Nobel Peace Prize

    Mahatma Gandhi was a symbol of peace and non-violence. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize. They nominated him in 1937, 1938,...

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    Mahatma Gandhi was a symbol of peace and non-violence. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize. They nominated him in 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947, and 1948. But he was never awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Despite his devotion towards peace and non-violence, the committee did not select him, which is a puzzle....
  • The Invasion of the Aliens-A Short Story

    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It...

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    The chief of the state -AI Android Robot, releases a message for the citizens. The messages flash on all electronic devices, including TV screens. It says, ‘Humans must approach the android clinic. They will cure disease- whether physical, psychological, mental, or emotional. Our android surgeon will look after diseases. We take the utmost care for...
  • Parallel Universes-A Story of Our Dual Existence

    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going...

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    The media all over the world is broadcasting weird news. Thus, the people of the world are worried. They suppose some horrible thing is going to happen on the earth. Hence, everyone is curiously observing the news. The televised talks and the interviews are continuously going on. The reporter says, ‘Sir, you are present in...
  • Inspiring Story of Great Scientist- Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical...

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    Albert Einstein, the genius of the 20th century, received Nobel Prize in the year 1921. They awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical physics. The work on photoelectric effect & theory of relativity. He is very much famous among the student community. His research on relativity & the equation E = mc2 is...
  • Fear of Invasion – Humans Fear Invasion from Extraterrestrial Life

    A streak of light observed in the sky. It’s heading towards the land. In a few minutes, the spaceship lands in a village. It lands...

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    A streak of light observed in the sky. It’s heading towards the land. In a few minutes, the spaceship lands in a village. It lands on barren land near a farm. Within a few seconds, the news spreads like a fire. Hence, the government immediately comes into action. Thus, the police & the military cordon...
  • A Religious Story- Gifts Given to Civilization by Saints

    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of...

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    Scientists are trying to reveal the mystery of the universe. Theories such as the ‘big bang’ & string theory describe the formation & development of the multi-universe. But, they are only theories. We do not have exact knowledge of the universe. Science tries to answer so many questions. But what happens after death? We do...
  • Discovery of New Exoplanet Leads to World War-The War to Conquer the Planet

    The police are after him. They want to arrest him. Arrest him for anti-government propaganda. The journalist is dangerous for the government. The police officer:...

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    The police are after him. They want to arrest him. Arrest him for anti-government propaganda. The journalist is dangerous for the government. The police officer: Sir, his house is locked. No one there. The chief: Ask neighbours. If they know anything about him. The neighbours have no information about him. The chief: Inform all the...
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