• A Journey in Search of Bio-Synthetic Fuel

    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant...

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    Dr. Arun Rao is a scientist. He has been working on a project for about twenty years. The project is to synthesize biofuel from plant matter, such as twigs of plants, leaves, sprouts, seeds, bark, chips and even other parts of trees. One can use the waste material from wheat, maize and sugarcane plants. And...
  • Teleportation-Scientist Invent a Machine ‘Teleporter’ & Shift to the Planet TOI700d

    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is...

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    Dr. Kaku is a scientist. He and his colleagues have been working in his laboratory for years. And, after a long time, the project is over. On this occasion, Kaku invites all the fellow scientist, relatives & friends to dinner. A grand celebration at his research laboratory. This day, Dr. Kaku is quite excited. It...
  • Fun with Science- Amazing and Funny Experiments in Science

    All of us have seen beautiful colours of a rainbow in a rainy season. These colours arise when light enters water droplets. Hence reflection, refraction...

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    All of us have seen beautiful colours of a rainbow in a rainy season. These colours arise when light enters water droplets. Hence reflection, refraction & dispersion of light occurs in water droplets. There is a science behind it. If you through a stone upwards, it reaches a certain height and then falls downwards. Just...
  • Success Stories of Great Scientist – Inspirational Stories

    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see...

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    Let us see the life events of the great scientists. We find they are hardworking, imaginative, show perseverance, patience & unwavering focus. They never see the past or failures. Thus, always looking ahead towards the future. Future still awaiting. Therefore, the great discoveries are the outcome of future dreams of the genius. They create the...
  • A College Professor in India Prepares Gold in the Laboratory

    A Professor in a Science College performs experiments with the students. Says, ‘We are celebrating 150th birthday of the periodic table. Thus, I am going...

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    A Professor in a Science College performs experiments with the students. Says, ‘We are celebrating 150th birthday of the periodic table. Thus, I am going to prepare gold particles. They will start separating as golden drops. Hence, we term as Golden rain. He mixes up two solutions. As a result, it forms yellow precipitates into...
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