President Xi under Trouble- India to Export Pigs to China

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Chinese president Xi Jinping visits India. He meets the prime minister. There is a private meeting at the Prime minister’s office. A formal conversation between the two leaders.

Chinese president: I do not like the pigs of America. We people, hate them. Anyway, they are very fatty. Aren’t they?

Indian PM: What are you talking about? Which American pig? I do not understand what you mean to say.

The Indian PM is a little confused. Therefore, he tries to analyze the meaning of the sentences. Is he talking about the American leader? Why should he call him a pig?

Chinese president gives a pleasant smile.

President: I am talking about the pork of the pigs. However, at present, we are not importing it from America. Because it is not tasty. In addition, it is not hygienic. Thus, I don’t like it. Do you?

The Indian PM is a little serious. But, he realizes that a dragon is always a dragon. In fact, the original traits never change.

PM: In fact, it is not our culture. I am vegetarian. Thus, how do I know about the taste of a pig?

Xi Jinping: I wish to purchase pigs from India. So that our people fill their bowls with pork. So that they do not remain hungry.

PM: Yes, we have pigs. A huge number of pigs. They fight with each other. Therefore, I shall export them to your country.

Indian PM calls his secretary. Ask him to find pigs from all of India. Moreover, ask him to manage to export all of them to China.

Xi Jinping: Thank you, sir, this will solve one of my problems.

The second headache is Hong Kong. Hence, Xi Jinping is worried about Hong Kong crisis.

President: Hong Kong is my headache. In fact, I do not know how to deal with it. You have solved the Kashmir issue. Can you tell me something?

PM explains his techniques. His ideas & actions.

President: Thank you, dear. Truly, your suggestions are much more practical for the modern world. Hence, I will not use military power to tackle the situation.


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