The Nobel Prize committee declare various prizes. Various prizes to the world leaders for their outstanding work.
New therapy award
Significant research in the field of medicines. Discovery of a new therapy. Thus, a therapy to cure infectious diseases. Infectious disease such as coronavirus infection. The therapy is known as ‘Light therapy’. UV radiation is imparted on the body of the infected patient. The radiation kills the virus. It’s a new invention. An invention by our beloved President. Therefore, the committee decides to honour the President. An award to the founder of the ‘Light therapy’.
Peace prize award
The whole world is suffering from infectious disease. Hence, people are dying. There is no medicine. There is no vaccine. Moreover, scientists are struggling to find a remedy. But, the rocket man has only interest in missiles & rockets. When people are suffering, he attacks the neighbouring country. He has all sorts of weapons in his world largest storage. Thus, missiles, rockets & atomic bombs. The committee decides to award him a peace prize.
President Khan is going to Share the peace prize. Hence, sharing the prize with rocket man. Instead of looking after the welfare of the country, he is preparing terrorist. Terrorist to attack neighbouring countries. He is preparing the army for future war. Therefore, the peace prize award goes to both of them- the rocket man & the PM of Pakistan.
Prize in Biological Science
The Nobel Prize in biological science goes to the scientist ‘Batwoman’. Batwoman of the virology department of Wuhan Laboratory. A great lady. Discovers & studies the coronavirus. But, somehow the virus spreads into the whole world. Anyway, it’s great to research. The prize goes to the scientist & Chinese PM. A prize for his great patience. Thus, not informing the world for about six months. Hence, this prize goes to China.
The prize for the Marathon Race
Indian PM must be given a prize. A prize for arranging a marathon race towards home town. The workers know well. They know how far is their native place. Despite PM denial, they participate in the race. A race towards home. Towards sweet home. If you travel by air & reach the destination, there is no charm. But, participation in the race is sportsman spirit.
Prize to the people of India
The people are great. They prey god for keeping them away from hospitals. Hence, keep away from doctors. They hate hospitals. Therefore, they attack & throws stones on doctors & medical staff.
People hate the police. They do not like their orders. Of course, everyone believes in freedom. Thus, oppose police. Hence, stone pelting on police.
Thus, we must congratulate the people of India & also the world.