• Aliens- Funny News around the World

    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO....

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    The people of the world are mad after aliens. Some people claim to have seen the aliens. They say the aliens travel through flying saucers-UFO. Some people are worried and have a fear of extraterrestrial life. Hence, they are suffering from xenophobia. Thus, the quest for aliens continues. And will continue for years to come....
  • A Funny Story of a Kitchen Manager

    Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and...

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    Shivram was a farmer. He had acres of land that gave a lot of produce. Some servants looked after his cow pen, ran tractors and harvesters, and worked on the farm. They took care of his big farmhouse. In short, he was a landlord. He had a son. His name was Joy. Joy passed his...
  • Funny & Erotic Carvings on the Outer Wall of the Love Temple- Khajuraho

    We are on the premises of the Khajuraho temple. It is a big temple. And a temple is a place of worship. Lord Shiva is...

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    We are on the premises of the Khajuraho temple. It is a big temple. And a temple is a place of worship. Lord Shiva is seated in the shrine room of the temple. Hence, we can see the devotees of Shiva and tourist from India and throughout the world roaming here and there. But, surprisingly,...
  • Funny News around the World- New Medicines for Corona Virus Creates Humor

    Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world. People around the world are trying various medicines. Drugs that are not prescribed by doctors. These may not have...

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    Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world. People around the world are trying various medicines. Drugs that are not prescribed by doctors. These may not have scientific approval. But, the community accepts & practice these medicines. Hence, the news spreads like fire in society. Here are some humorous instances. Cow urine as medicine You must have...
  • Funny News in Science around the World- Scientist Confess about Humanzee

    Humanzee Strange and amazing news from China. Chinese scientist confesses that they have created a Humanzee. Humanzee is a hybrid of human and Chimpanzee. This...

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    Humanzee Strange and amazing news from China. Chinese scientist confesses that they have created a Humanzee. Humanzee is a hybrid of human and Chimpanzee. This is a result of the artificial insemination of human sperms. Thus, the fertilization of the egg occurs. There are difficulties in fertilization. But, modern techniques of science removes them. Ethically,...
  • Funny News in Science around the World

      Science is very useful for human beings. Without it, life would be primitive. For common man, science seems to create magic. Sometimes, science creates...

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      Science is very useful for human beings. Without it, life would be primitive. For common man, science seems to create magic. Sometimes, science creates fun too. The noble prize in chemistry goes to John Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino “for the development of lithium-ion batteries.’’ Besides we are celebrating 150th birth anniversary...
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