Weather Warfare-The Deadly Weapons of the Future

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Scientists have complete control over the nuclear fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two light hydrogen nuclei fuse to generate helium nuclei & a tremendous amount of energy. This process occurs at very high temperatures. However, during this process, some mass gets converted into energy.

Thus, the artificial sun, which depends on fusion, is now ready. They are planning to transfer this sphere of fireball to Mars. Thus, at present, Mars is barren. But, soon, it will be habitable. (Read Launching Artificial Sun on Mars- A 50th Century Dream)

The artificial moon is already revolving around the earth. Hence, it illuminates the empire throughout the year. In addition, scientists are probing space & developing new geoengineering techniques.

And artificial weather technology is in the king’s hands. Thus, deadly weapons for weather warfare are ready.

But the emperor wishes to be the king of the world. He wants to conquer more territory through military power, a sort of colonialism.

The advanced countries always try to dominate the weak nations.

But now, the warfare is different. It’s going to be weather warfare. Hence, creating extreme weather in the countries which do not follow. Thus, creating floods, tsunamis, fire, drought, hurricanes & snow storms.

You may read the history. You find that whenever a king or a dictator gains enormous power & military capability- he wishes to conquer the world. There are many examples such as Hitler, Alexander the Great, Changiz Khan, Ashoka the Great & so on.

The emperor now expands its territory. Therefore, wage war against a neighboring country.

Hence, there are storms & heavy rainfall which result in floods in the cities & villages. Thus, life is getting disturbed. The houses & the crop is getting ruined.

They are not bombing the cities & there is no missile attack. But they are creating adverse weather.

Weather Warfare in Mahabharata


This type of weapon was in use during the time of Mahabharata. ‘Varunastra’ was a water weapon. Using this weapon created heavy rainfall & floods. Similarly, there was ‘Vayastra.’ This weapon created wind, storms, & hurricanes. It generates low pressure in the specific area & thus tornadoes. We do not precisely know, but they describe it in the epic of Mahabharata.

Innocent people suffer a lot in a war. In short, people have nothing to do with any ideology. Citizens require shelter, water to drink, & good food to eat.

‘There is an attack by the neighboring country. We are trying to resist the effects of our weapons. But we do not know how much time it will take. Therefore, move to safer places,’ announces the government official.

‘Meena, we are leaving today. Pack up important belongings,’ says her husband, Raju.

‘I am not at all going anywhere. Because this is my home, it would be better if I die here,’ shouts grandpa.

Grandpa is not ready to leave home, whatever it may happen.

But most of the villagers leave the village for the safety of their children & families.

They reach a refugee camp in the neighboring country.

The people are now waiting for the end of the war & are waiting to return to their sweet homes.




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