World War–III Predictions by Nostradamus, Baba Vanga and Vedic Astrologers.

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More than a year has passed since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began. We can observe the killing of innocent civilians, women, and children. There is an enormous infrastructure damage to the country. But the war continues, and there is no sign of a peace agreement from either side. No one is ready to bow down.

Hence, the possibility of a third world war is inevitable. Therefore, let us see the prophecies of Nostradamus, Baba Vanga and Vedic Astrologers.


He was a French foreseer and a doctor who lived in the 16th century. Nostradamus lost his family during the pandemic of the Plague. And, after that, he foretold the ‘would be’ events of the humanity. He wrote the book ‘Les Prophetis.’ People know him as a ‘prophet of doom.’ Most of his prophecies are correct.

One of the fascinating things is that his predictions are in poetic form and, hence, difficult to interpret.

His predictions about the great fire of London, Hitler’s rise to power, the September-11, 2001 attack and the Covid-19 pandemic were correct, as observed by the people.

About the Third World War, he writes. ‘Seven months great war, people dead through evil.’

They interpret this and compare it with the Ukraine war, where civilians are getting dead. The ‘evil’ may be the Russian President. This conflict will further lead towards the third world war.

He writes about the year 2023

‘The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,

Twenty-seven years. His war will last.’

The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;

with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the ear.”

Who is the antichrist? We leave it to the reader to imagine.

Baba Vanga

She was born in Bulgaria. She lost her eyesight at an early age. Then after, she learned how to predict the future. Thus, we know Baba Vanga as the Nostradamus of the Balkans.

Her prophecies about the ‘World War- III’ are fascinating.

‘A big nation would use biological weapons,’ predicts she.

‘All will thaw, as of ice, only one remains untouched’-Vladimir’s glory, the glory of Russia.’

She predicts World War III during the year 2023 and also foretells that the Russia-Ukrainian war may trigger it. (Maybe 5 to 6 years around it)

According to her prophecy, one country will rise to the ‘lord of the world,’ and the leader will one day rule the world.

Who that leader is and which country will dominate the world -we leave it to the imagination- of the reader.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology studies the effect of celestial bodies on the world. Thus, as per this system, stars and planets influence our lives.

Moreover, some famous astrologers predict the world war to begin around 2029. And will last up to the year 2032. World war will be inevitable during this period. It will wipe most of the population out.

They predict a new era after 2032, just as happened after the Mahabharata war.

Some foreseers predict- ‘the war will begin in Taiwan. There will be a plane crash. And that will trigger the world war. It will start from the year 2025 and last up to 2032.

 All the foreseers predict that 2024 to 2030 will be crucial for humanity.

We hope all these predictions go wrong and humanity does not face any danger as war. Hence, a world leader must emerge. And he should establish peace & prosperity in the world.

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