The Reversal of Entropy and the Death of the Universe

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The year was 3050. Humanity experienced irreversible chaos. The entropy of the universe was increasing. The universe was expanding. There was no way to control the phenomenon of increasing entropy.

But let us now understand what entropy is. In scientific terms, it is a “measure” of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system. They usually consider it a measure of the system’s disorder that is a property of the system’s state.

It’s the second law of thermodynamics. It says, ‘When energy changes from one form to another, entropy (Chaos or disorder) in a system increases.’

In simple language, entropy is nothing but a measure of disorder or uncertainty in a system.

The disorder and or chaos in the world was increasing day after day. The population and the pollution were at its peak. And people were jobless. The world was going through the worst of times. People pray to God to descend on earth and help them.

A UFO descended from the unknown horizons. Its attractive golden surface shimmered in the sunlight. And its otherworldly occupants stepped onto the homeland soil. They called themselves the “Entropy- engineers” from distant exoplanets. Their mission was to help humanity.

Their message was simple: ‘Entropy can be reversed.’

Governments convened emergency summits with them. The scientists of the world held meetings and discussed the implications.

The aliens gifted us a device—a humming sphere pulsating with energy. They instructed us to launch it into an orbit where it would encircle the planet for precisely one year. During this time, it would harness cosmic forces to combat the disorder. They claimed to reduce the chaos that choked our existence.

The aliens assured us that entropy would reverse.

‘The universe would rewind like a reel of a cosmic film’, said the entropy engineers.

The aliens left this planet, and the UFO disappeared into the infinite sky.

People held their breath, waiting for the impossible.

The world watched as the sphere (Gadget) ascended, leaving a trail of stardust in its wake. Within months, miracles unfolded. Pollution receded, forests regenerated, and the frenetic pace of life slowed. The population decreased, not through tragedy but through a collective awakening—a conscious choice to live sustainably.

As the year drew close, the sphere glowed brighter and brighter and- energy reached a maximum.

And then an unexpected happened.

However, the reversal in entropy did not stop. The decrease in entropy continued. Surprisingly, the decrease continued till everything began ceasing. Humans, animals, and plants reached a point of extinction. Time flew backwards. Our planet shrank.

But as the sphere revolved around the planet Earth- something unexpected occurred. The universe didn’t stop at its original state. Stars blinked out, galaxies collapsed, and matter dissolved into energy. It adopted the original state of ‘Big Bang’.

Now, there was no space, no time, and nothing. The sky, planets, the sun, and galaxies vanished.

Who were the aliens? No one knows. Maybe they were the representatives of the all-mighty creator. The almighty creator wanted the end of the multiverse.

‘I am alone. Let me multiply. Let me be many’ wished the God.

In the cosmic silence, God whispered, “Let there be light.” And there was light. Again. Forever.

There was a big bang. There was the new beginning of the multiverse. Once again, a new era began.

The entropy started increasing.

This video is only for entertainment.

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