• Woven Pearls from the Holy Book Bible- A Short Story

    Abraham was a member of a tribe living in Mesopotamia. Thus, scholars predict Mesopotamia was the first or the oldest civilization on the earth. The...

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    Abraham was a member of a tribe living in Mesopotamia. Thus, scholars predict Mesopotamia was the first or the oldest civilization on the earth. The name of his father was Terah. Terah was an idol worshiper. Thus, he believed in and imagined God as an idol. He had great faith in God, shaped in statue-like...
  • Soul Transfer Surgery-Story of Artificial Intelligence Leading Humanity

    He is the president of the world government. World government of the planet earth-year 3100 AD. Secretary: The flying machine is ready sir, please come....

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    He is the president of the world government. World government of the planet earth-year 3100 AD. Secretary: The flying machine is ready sir, please come. President: O.K., wait for a few minutes. President is on vacation. Therefore, he leaves for an outing on planet X. Thus, he & his family board the flying ship &...
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