• Artificial Intelligence GPT 4- Ignores the Humanity

    I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to...

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    I am a human. I am not a robot. But, I use only about 10% of my brain. However, I will not ask you to prove it by giving you a test. Hence, believe me. No doubt the computers-the artificial intelligence will ask you to prove you are a human. Of course, we do not...
  • Human Personal Index- The Thirtieth Century Unique Law for Justice

    The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era...

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    The earth witnesses third world war. Millions of people die in the war. Millions die in pandemic disease. All these changes occur between the era 2020 & 2060 AD. The time of the 22nd century & beyond that is the golden time for the earth. The generations of this period are fortunate. It’s a world...
  • Corona virus- the Invisible Monster attack Human Race

    It’s a huge building. A big laboratory building. Several experiments are going on here. Synthesizing variety of biomolecules. It seems some molecules are for the...

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    It’s a huge building. A big laboratory building. Several experiments are going on here. Synthesizing variety of biomolecules. It seems some molecules are for the biological ware fare.  Experiments on hybrids of various animals. Experiments on finding sources of viruses. A scientist known as batwoman is working on bats. Bats as the sources of the...
  • Life on the Exoplanet – Beyond Human Imagination

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see...

        Astronaut Tony: We are now travelling outside our solar system. We are about 50 light-years from the earth. Astronaut Tom: I can see a huge planet. We are just heading towards it. Tony & Tom are astronauts. Robot astronauts of 50th century. The two astronauts lands on the unknown planet. They are the...
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