‘Our forces are ready, sir, equipped with all weapons of mass destruction, ‘Says the chief of the defense staff. ‘Surely, we will win the third World War & we will rule the world.’
It’s a high power committee meeting of various chiefs of departments with President Tengfei. A highly secret discussion with the President. The supreme of the defense forces Doctor Qiang, senior defense research scientist Dr. Chen, Dr. Kuo, the scientist at the air force medical college & Liqiang- the director of the Institute of Virology, discussing the matter.
Dr. Chen: Our scientists have studied & gathered the information for more than a hundred years to come. In fact, we always think ahead of time. Therefore, the third world war must be unique & different. But you cannot compare it with the traditional Second World War. Sir, that’s what our think tank suggests.
‘What’s that information, Doctor?’ The President interrupts.
‘Sir, in a World War, there will be destruction on either side. Our economy, too, will collapse. Therefore, we must think of the World-War differently. Truly, it’s all about biological warfare. Isn’t it, Dr. Kuo?
‘Yes, dear colleagues, Dr. Kuo agrees & continues, ‘We have all sort of viruses. Actually, we have created & altered them so that they become much more contagious & lethal. And, of course, we very well know how to fight back with them. Hence, we know how to destroy them. In addition, we have anti- microbes or antivirus to wipe out the pathogens. We have done this for our defense research. Now, let me ask my friend, Liqiang, a virology expert, to share the information.
Mr. Liqiang: We are all here to share our motive with our honorable Prez. I am a virologist & confirm that we are number one in biological weapons in the world. Thus, as per our plan, let us start the third World War. It must be a silent war. Let the microbes spread throughout the world & there will be chaos.
The economy will collapse.
The medical system will collapse.
The education system will collapse.
The governments may collapse.
It will create fear in the minds of people.
When the countries of the world go back to hundred years, sell the remedy to the governments. Of course, we will be the superpower of the world.
Dr. Qiang: President Sir, all is fair in love and war. Because we all know the killing of thousands of people in Hiroshima & Nagasaki during the Second World War. Hence, destruction & casualties will be part of the war. We cannot avoid them on a battlefield.
The President: Dear colleagues, I respect the opinions you have expressed. I accept the suggestion by the think tank. Think tank contains views of intellectuals. We all work for our nation. We want to extend our boundaries from north to south & east to west. Expansionism is our motto. We can do anything for our country. Now, I order the head of defense to prepare a secret report & put it into action within the shortest possible time.
However, a time comes when the disease spread throughout the world. People do not know that someone artificially manipulated the microbes. It works beyond the wildest expectations. As a result, nations become poorer & poorer. Millions of people die.
After Ten years
The nations of the democratic front make progress with tremendous momentum. In addition, they ally & set up an investigation for the spread of pandemic disease. As a result, they reveal the cause of the pandemic & make secret documents public.
The united nations now wage war against the evil-minded rulers. As a result, the Nuclear weapons of the United Nations destroy the kingdom of the monsters. Hence, they liberate the people & democracy restored.
And there starts a new era. Thus, it’s an era of truth and friendship.