Pain Management- Allopathic & Ayurveda Ways of Healing

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We all are familiar with headaches, toothache and muscle pain. Headache is a common disease we observe in people of any age. However, muscle pain occurs in older adults or around fifty years old. Toothache is common even in children.

Let us discuss the remedies for curing various types of pain. We shall discuss the allopathic modern treatments and the Ayurveda natural ways of healing.

Suppose there is a nerve injury in the fingertip of your hand. There are various creams or jellies available in the market. These creams contain an anaesthetic or non-steroidal inflammatory drug. Diclofenac is a common and well-known medicine to treat such pain. It is available in the market under Dynapar, Volini, Voltran, Cambia, Zipsor, Zorvolex, etc.

In case of a minor injury on the hand or legs, the doctor asks to rub ice on the affected area. Hence, ‘cold packs’ help reduce pain.

In case of temporary back pain, when we approach the doctor, he asks us to lie down. And covers our back with a sheet heated to a tolerable temperature. This is a ‘hot pack’ treatment.

In Ayurveda, there are medicines for relieving pain. These contain herbs such as Pipli, Chitrak, Haritki, Piper, koichikam, Liutium, Raisins, Adrak and Arbi Babul. They are available in the market under various names as- ‘Anart’ powder. Such medicines help reduce pain because of sciatica, back pain and joint pain.

We all are familiar with painkillers. They effectively work and reduce the pain. Aspirin is such a medicine. Its chemical name is acetyl-salicylic acid. It is available under the names Aspirin, Ecosprin, etc. Paracetamol is a wonder drug. Its name is Acetaminophen.

Another popular drug is Ibuprofen. It is the same as aspirin. However, this drug has several side effects. Reports say- it affects the kidneys and has gastrointestinal effects. Other such drugs include Calpol, Combiflam, Dolo, etc. Even long-term usage of aspirin harms our bodies. Thus, it affects the kidneys and liver and creates ulcers.

Some herbs, such as ginger, have anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric reduces pain in patients with arthritis. Cinnamon and Bromelain have anti-inflammatory properties.

Apart from NSAIDS, some doctors prescribe opioids for chronic pain. They prepare these drugs from the opium poppy plant.

However, there are different treatments for each type of pain.

When there is damage in the nervous system, doctors prescribe serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors-SNRIs and anti-convulsion drugs.

Ayurveda doctors say they have Bacopa monniera. This enhances the production of tryptophan (5-HT) levels, resulting in a naturally higher level of serotonin. (Read more at Bacopa)

In case of severe back pain, doctors give injections of anaesthetics into vertebrate joints. This helps a lot with joint pain.

Disc pain remedies include disc injections, non-surgical disc removal and regenerative therapy.

The natural way of healing includes herbs such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Guggul (Curcuma longa) and herb powder such as Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Read at

Recently, Cannabis is the herb on which research is going on. People know it by the name ‘Bhang.’ They use this herb for treating pain.

Giving botulinum toxin-Botox as a remedy for migraine is prevalent. Treating arthritis pain by injecting steroids into inflamed joints works.

Yoga and Meditation

Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation have deep roots in the ancient Indian Hindu philosophy.

One must perform these in the presence of an expert teacher. Meditation minimizes tension and calms down the nervous system.

Massage and acupuncture also work in a few patients.

The above information is only for knowledge. No one should take any medicine without consulting a health care expert. Read more at

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