Career Path as an Assistant Professor in Indian Colleges and Universities

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Most of the students are not aware of the fact that they can become assistant professors in a college or university department after completing their post-graduate studies. The parents also do not know about this. And they cannot guide their children.

If you have an interest- in reading, writing, research and developing innovative ideas- the post of assistant professor is the best fit for you. The work mainly involves teaching. But we all know that teaching and learning always go together.

Some philosophers have rightly said, “Your life as a teacher begins the day you realize- that you are always a learner.”

Learning is a continuous process. Hence, if you love learning, you must apply for the U. G .C. NET examination.

The ‘National Testing Agency’, an autonomous organization under the guidance of the University Grant Commission, conducts the National Eligibility Test twice a year. Aspirants must visit the official website ‘‘ for the latest updates.

For the first round of the examination, they notify in the last week of March or April. This notice includes every detail about the examination, such as registration, examination date, admission card, etc. Probably, they complete the exam in June (10th to 21st June).

For the second examination, a notification appears in October or the last week of September. And they examine in December.

To apply for such an examination, one must have a Master’s degree with at least 55% of marks. (50% for SC/ST/OBC). Students holding the M. A., M. Sc., M. Com., M. B .A., M .C. A., etc. can apply for the exam.

There are two purposes for the National Eligibility Test Examination.

One is to select candidates for the Junior Research Fellowship. If you qualify for a Junior Research Fellowship, you may pursue research work leading to a Ph.D., with a fellowship. (Stipend) A student may apply for research in any of the institutes of his interest.

But, the age limit for applying for the post of Junior Research Fellow is 30 years.

The second purpose of this exam is the selection of candidates for the post of assistant professor in colleges and universities. If you qualify for the exam, your entry becomes easier.

Interestingly, if you are applying for the post of assistant professorship, there is no age limit.

There are two papers for examining the students. Both papers include multiple-choice questions. The duration of the exam is three hours. And there is no negative marking.

Paper I include- reasoning ability, focus on teaching, general knowledge & understanding of problems, etc.

Paper II includes problems based on the main subject.

You may download the syllabus from this site –

State Level Eligibility Test- SLET

Similarly, as the National Eligibility Test, all states conduct such exams in their respective states. This exam is only for the post of assistant professor in the colleges and universities of respective states. But, the mode of exam and syllabus remains the same as that of the National Eligibility Test.

The Gujarat State Eligibility Test (GSET) is the state-level eligibility test organized in Gujarat. You may download the syllabus of GSET by visiting the following site-

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