Natural Way of Healing- Herbal versus Allopathic Medicines

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People around the world are facing different health problems. In fact, many allopathic medicines help for solving such problems. But, some have side effects which we cannot neglect.

To avoid these side effects, people around the globe are leaning towards a natural way of healing. Thus, Natural healing incorporates the use of herbal medicines. Hence, the trend of using herbal products is increasing day by day.

We know the science of herbal medicines in India as Ayurveda. In fact, it is an ancient philosophy. Thus, it is gaining immense popularity in the world. These medicines, in principle, have no side effects. Because these preparations are purely herbal.

These herbal medicines act slowly, whereas allopathic preparations directly react at the molecular level. Science is the most evidence-based and much more accepted among the community. Furthermore, emergency treatment is workable only because of the allopathic system of medicine. Hence, this system is superior.

In addition, there is much scope for research in herbal medicines. The methods of preparation require much more attention. We must collect scientific pieces of evidence.

Nowadays, doctors are changing from allopathic to herbal medicines when necessary. The government should encourage interdisciplinary studies for medical students. The doctors must inform the patient about all possibilities of curing the disease.

Research shows that purely herbal medicines have negligible or no side effects. Traditional medicine has mild to severe side effects on the body.

Here is an effort to discuss the counterparts of some allopathic medicines.

  Paracetamol vs. Sudarshan Tablets

Paracetamol is an excellent drug. It gives relief from pain. In addition, it controls body temperature. People with high B.P. and heart problems can use this medicine.

Sudarshan Tablets relieve body pain, fever, headache, cold, viral infection, and cough. It also helps improve digestion.

Alum-Mag Hydroxide-Simeth vs. Alsactil

 We use Alma Cone for stomach acid, heartburn, stomach upset, and indigestion. It reduces excess acid present in the stomach.

We use the herbal substitute Alsactil for acidity. It provides relief from hyperacidity and headaches. In addition, it cures nausea, improves loss of appetite, and cures constipation. Also, detoxifies the entire digestive system.

Fexofenadine-(Allegra) vs. Histantin

Allegra is an antihistamine medicine that reduces histamine effects.

Histantin is an herbal substitute that relieves allergy symptoms. It purifies blood, solves respiratory problems and allergic cold, and boost immunity.

Magnesium Hydroxide-Milk of magnesia vs. Alsactil Tablets

 Milk of magnesia is an antacid. Thus, it cures heartburn and constipation.

Alsactil is a herbal substitute for this medicine.

Diphenhydramine HCl- Benadryl vs. Tussnil Syrup

Benadryl is an antihistamine. It relieves cough, allergy, colds, hay fever, and an itchy nose.

Tussnil Syrup is a herbal medicine that cures acute cough, dry cough, chronic cough, and cold & reduces inflammation.

Myoflex vs. Myaxyl cream

Myoflex gives relief from joint pain & muscle pain.

Myaxyl cream is an herbal medicine that relieves pain, sprains, injuries, rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis, and muscle pain & stiff joints.

Pseudoephedrine HCl- (Afrin) vs. Anu Thailam

Afrin treats the common cold, stuffy nose, allergies, fever, and sinus-related pain.

Anu Thailam is a herbal product. Of course, it gives relief from respiratory conditions without side effects.

Combiflame vs. Myaxyl Capsules

Combiflame reduces pain, inflammation, and fever.

Likewise, Myaxyl Capsules are an herbal substitute that reduces pain & inflammation.

Cyclopam vs. Hinguvachadi Gulika pills

Cyclopam cures abdominal pain. Also, it relaxes stomach muscles.

Hinguvachadi Gulika pills cure abdominal pain, digestive problems, acidity, constipation & much more.

Loperamide vs. Dadimashtaka Churna

Loperamide treats diarrhea.

Dadimashtaka Churna treats diarrhea. It also cures gastrointestinal problems.

Recent news on Herbal Medicines

A fruit known as Graviola kills cancer cells in animals. However, studies & trials on humans are still going on. But, we are still waiting for the results. Read more at

Berberine is a powerful supplement that reduces glucose production in our liver. In addition, improves insulin sensitivity. Hence, it is as powerful as the Metformin drug. Berberine is an extract from some plants. It is herbal medicine. However, it is famous in Ayurveda.

To sum up, the information furnished in this article is only for knowledge. However, you must consult a doctor before taking allopathic or herbal medicine.

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